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en:manual:beginner_installation [2024/09/10 00:25]
throgh [Boot and install Hyperbola]
en:manual:beginner_installation [2024/09/10 01:15] (current)
throgh [Write the image to your USB]
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 </code> </code>
-==== Write the image to your USB ====+==== Write the image to your USB-device ====
 Change the directory to the folder where you saved the downloaded ISO-image and type the following into your terminal: Change the directory to the folder where you saved the downloaded ISO-image and type the following into your terminal:
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 </code> </code>
-From the above, <color #620BB9/#EEDDFF>sda</color> is your HDD, and the <color #620BB9/#EEDDFF>sdb</color> is for example your USB-device where you’re going to write your ISO-image. +From the above, <color #620BB9/#EEDDFF>sda</color> is your harddisk, and the <color #620BB9/#EEDDFF>sdb</color> is for example your USB-device where you’re going to write your ISO-image. 
 Also take a note of your partitions, you will come to need it when you’re creating the file system and mounting the root partition during the installation. Also take a note of your partitions, you will come to need it when you’re creating the file system and mounting the root partition during the installation.
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 ==== Create a file system ==== ==== Create a file system ====
-If you’re not using an English keyboard, you can set your language by typing <color #620BB9/#EEDDFF>loadkeys</color> followed by you language. Available keymap files can be found in <color #0B71B9/#DDF1FF>/usr/share/kbd/keymaps/</color> (you can omit the keymap path and file extension when using <color #620BB9/#EEDDFF>loadkeys</color>). For Swedish users, type:+If you’re not using an English keyboard, you can set your language by typing <color #620BB9/#EEDDFF>loadkeys</color> followed by you language. Available keymap files can be found in <color #0B71B9/#DDF1FF>/usr/share/kbd/keymaps/</color> (//you can omit the keymap path and file extension when using <color #620BB9/#EEDDFF>loadkeys</color>//). For Swedish users for example, type:
 <code bash> <code bash>
Line 98: Line 98:
 ==== Activate swap ==== ==== Activate swap ====
 +You would need to write / create and activate the Swap-partition:
 <code bash> <code bash>
Line 108: Line 110:
 ==== Mount the root partition ==== ==== Mount the root partition ====
 +Now mount your root-partition for installing the system:
 <code bash> <code bash>
Line 114: Line 118:
 ==== Install the base system ==== ==== Install the base system ====
 +To deploy all needed files and folders:
 <code bash> <code bash>
Line 120: Line 126:
 ==== Generate an fstab ==== ==== Generate an fstab ====
 +One of the most important files for your installed system to describe the whole file-system hierarchy:
 <code bash> <code bash>
Line 126: Line 134:
 ==== Chroot and configure the base system ==== ==== Chroot and configure the base system ====
 +After you have finished the initial process of the installation you would need to enter your until now not finished system:
 <code bash> <code bash>
Line 139: Line 149:
 </code> </code>
-Now choose your locale from what language you’re using. All locales are commented out (preceded by #) by default. Uncomment (remove the #) for your choice of locale. For US English, it should look like this:+Now choose your locale from what language you’re using. All locales are commented out (preceded by #) by default. Uncomment (//remove the #//) for your choice of locale. For US English, it should look like this:
 <code bash> <code bash>
Line 264: Line 274:
 ==== Unmount the partitions and reboot ==== ==== Unmount the partitions and reboot ====
 +Now for the final steps:
 <code bash> <code bash>
Line 277: Line 289:
 </code> </code>
-Remember to remove your installation medium (your USB stick) before you reboot into your system. To log in, you type root and your password.+Remember to remove your installation medium (your USB stick) before you reboot into your system. To log in, you type **root** and your password.
 Congratulations! You have now installed **Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre** onto you computer. Congratulations! You have now installed **Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre** onto you computer.
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 ===== Post-installation ===== ===== Post-installation =====
-You will now have to create a user and get user privileges like doas. And of course you have to select your graphical environment.+You will now have to create a user and get user privileges like doas. And of course you have to select your graphical environment. Look around in our wiki to find more information about those steps!