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en:philosophy:against_enforced_digitalization [2024/06/18 13:06]
throgh [Differentiation - What is digital compulsion and what is not?]
en:philosophy:against_enforced_digitalization [2024/06/18 13:52] (current)
throgh [Conclusion]
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 Please remember here that all is in a form political, it is the essential point of politics to be part of the living of human beings and their deeds. But the outgrow of complexity, the on-going ignorance on the one side and the missing on the other side leaves more beings helpless or even become victims of those so-called "progress". **We call this false form of being progressive as it clearly to see that we have no further gain for democracy, even the opposite.** Please remember here that all is in a form political, it is the essential point of politics to be part of the living of human beings and their deeds. But the outgrow of complexity, the on-going ignorance on the one side and the missing on the other side leaves more beings helpless or even become victims of those so-called "progress". **We call this false form of being progressive as it clearly to see that we have no further gain for democracy, even the opposite.**
 +===== The mobile device (smartphone) is not “commonplace” =====
 +The argument that mobile devices (smartphones) and the common repositories restricted to them (app stores) are "standard" and therefore do not pose a problem is increasingly being used. This ignores the fact that there are many people who do not have such devices for a variety of reasons. Some of these reasons, such as age, may decrease in the future. But various reasons could become even more important. These include financial factors, the fact that victims of digital violence turn away from technology (temporarily or permanently), or the conscious decision not to carry a all inclusive "pocket spy" around with them all the time. Mobile devices with alternative operating-systems are also not uncommon and are usually not compatible with commercialized programs / applications. Ultimately, the excuse that you only work with the "standard" repository (app store) also undermines innovation and the form of progress we have in mind at Hyperbola also: Technical emancipation for all people, so they are able to evaluate their usage, their soft- and hardware, modify and develop, even create new forms on their own will.
 +===== Gateway to digital violence, hatred and harassment =====
 +We have already described the outgrowing imbalance of knowledge forms. Exactly this is another very important point why digital compulsion and enforced digital services and processes on people is a very bad and destructive concept. It is clear to see that with more services and the growing complexity of needed infrastructure and dependencies we will loose the same time participation. People are and / or will get overwhelmed over time, while younger generations perhaps are direct suited for a possible span of time until they will also be confronted with the outgrow. This concept includes a gateway to digital violence and discrimination. And this includes even to be amused by the ignorance and lack of information, making fun out of others, blame them direct. Or do we really think it is civilized when we re-establish the medieval pillory on the global network? And there are concepts beyond getting more worse over time, like harassing groups and individuals until they withdraw from any communication on a platform / service or the global network in a whole. This leaves the question if we as mankind are able to learn out our own history: Shortened information, half-truths, hearsay, conspiracy belief, lies and myths are not helpful on the way for digital self-determination and technical emancipation. 
 +===== Conclusion =====
 +Is it just a luxury problem to worry about surveillance? To enforce digitization will clearly lead to such results: We have already an imbalance of knowledge and competence. With the rise of even more services and platforms this will grow even further and outgrow our global society, leading to the question: Who is in control at last? Man or the machine? And do not get this wrong: There is no so-called "evil masterplan". It is a simple imbalance caused of ignorance and it is up to everyone individual to call for a stop-signal, first and foremost for the personal perspective. Taking a step backwards is not that wrong especially when this imbalance is getting out of hands. And part of technical emancipation for Hyperbola is always that every user has full control over the system at any given time.