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en:philosophy:cooperation_worktogether [2024/06/10 13:57]
en:philosophy:cooperation_worktogether [2024/06/12 02:30] (current)
throgh [So what is the solution?]
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   * not further differentiate as we want users be also developers and maintainers at minimum for their own software and reinvent their system as they want and need.   * not further differentiate as we want users be also developers and maintainers at minimum for their own software and reinvent their system as they want and need.
-So all of this is part of an altruistic engagement. Without further support in time, helping hands and heads and also financials we cannot go on further. **But the claim that "free software is always free and gratis"  is not fully working: It needs cooperation and working together, always and on-going.**+So all of this is part of an altruistic engagement. Without further support in time, helping hands and heads and also financials we cannot go on further. **But the claim that "//free software is always free and gratis// is not fully working: It needs cooperation and working together, always and on-going.**
 ===== What are the major points causing those issues? ===== ===== What are the major points causing those issues? =====
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 So as "user" keep in mind that you can also be maintainer and developer at the same time. Please let us work together under the philosophy of Hyperbola, which finally includes **do it yourself**. You miss a package? Build it and share your insights. You found an issue? Share your insights and support people supporting you more. You have interests to help? Raise a hand and get in touch. But do not await only others to help you without giving something. Not only report and await afterwards movement. That is not the mood and interest of Hyperbola as project, as said: We want to break up with the named problems of "user as common role". All of the named points "users" await are not self-evident and in fact hard work the smaller a project is. Asking for support, for donations and time helping others is a generic point free, libre projects did and need to do also today as it is their most important point: Giving "users" a point back, but also "users" should slip out of the generic role seemingly pre-defined. **It is not, it should not as everyone can be user, developer and maintainer.** So as "user" keep in mind that you can also be maintainer and developer at the same time. Please let us work together under the philosophy of Hyperbola, which finally includes **do it yourself**. You miss a package? Build it and share your insights. You found an issue? Share your insights and support people supporting you more. You have interests to help? Raise a hand and get in touch. But do not await only others to help you without giving something. Not only report and await afterwards movement. That is not the mood and interest of Hyperbola as project, as said: We want to break up with the named problems of "user as common role". All of the named points "users" await are not self-evident and in fact hard work the smaller a project is. Asking for support, for donations and time helping others is a generic point free, libre projects did and need to do also today as it is their most important point: Giving "users" a point back, but also "users" should slip out of the generic role seemingly pre-defined. **It is not, it should not as everyone can be user, developer and maintainer.**
-And a short note in the end: We should be honest with each other, not only project-wide but also let alone wider for the whole spectrum of free, libre software and culture. The deep hypocrisy many are following gets clear when looking just strict enough: Yes, somewhat free and libre, somewhat free, but please no further restrictions or we name it "censorship" - which is not, for sure not and it is not working to describe it that way. Yes, free software, but the data is not really important or we name "non-functional". And who is asking about the complexity of a project? Oh, it is just free and permissive licensed. Well, of course nothing is or can or even better should not be meant any way problematic. Or is there any problem when monolithic projects are not even near to get a review and concrete audit? And what happens with the next security-breach? Well, this is dishonest and we should be more clear to each other. If there is no real interest for free and libre culture, for software following this ways, let us call this "open-source" and Hyperbola is not following this course. This fails immediately with the wording "gratis": This does not include that no helping hand is needed giving back something. And exactly this "something" can be defined, can be filled further. It just needs the will doing so, instead of just "using" why not do more at a given time? Energy is not coming from thin air and data should be handled with caution, not with self-evident ignorance. Collecting data in masses is unethical and providing packages including more and more just out of convinience is the same: Unresponsible towards all beings. So why exactly are those packages and projects including unethical principles "free and libre"? Exactly out of convinience and ignorance, shortened with answers or easy looking explanations for a cheap discourse ending most the time the same - yes, there are issues, but license is free and libre, so in the end "it just works". Isn't that enough?+And a short note in the end: We should be honest with each other, not only project-wide but also let alone wider for the whole spectrum of free, libre software and culture. The deep hypocrisy many are following gets clear when looking just strict enough: Yes, somewhat free and libre, somewhat free, but please no further restrictions or we name it "censorship" - which is not, for sure not and it is not working to describe it that way. Yes, free software, but the data is not really important or we name "non-functional". And who is asking about the complexity of a project? Oh, it is just free and permissive licensed. Well, of course nothing is or can or even better should not be meant any way problematic. Or is there any problem when monolithic projects are not even near to get a review and concrete audit? And what happens with the next security-breach? Well, this is dishonest and we should be more clear to each other. If there is no real interest for free and libre culture, for software following this ways, let us call this "open-source" and Hyperbola is not following this course. This fails immediately with the wording "gratis": This does not include that no helping hand is needed giving back something. And exactly this "something" can be defined, can be filled further. It just needs the will doing so, instead of just "using" why not do more at a given time? Energy is not coming from thin air and data should be handled with caution, not with self-evident ignorance. Collecting data in masses is unethical and providing packages including more and more just out of convinience is the same: Unresponsible towards all beings. So why exactly are those packages and projects including unethical principles "free and libre"? Exactly out of convinience and ignorance, shortened with answers or easy looking explanations for a cheap discourse ending most the time the same - yes, there are issues, but license is free and libre, so in the end "it just works". Isn't that enough? No, it is for sure not enough.
 ===== Conclusion ===== ===== Conclusion =====
-Hyperbola as project has the essential goal of **technical emancipation** and by all further interpretation this also includes the essential point of **do it yourself**. Sorry not sorry, but as a small system-project we need to underline and explain this point in depth as we have thought it would be enough to motivate. As one point of failure is the missing analysis of historic responsibilities (please read [[https://wiki.hyperbola.info/doku.php?id=en:philosophy:logic_failures|here]] more about this) and there is no conclusion up until today while a majority of the free, libre community claims to be "free" without further definition what exactly this kind of "freedom" means or needs. Responsibility, cooperation and working together is too important than to trust reason and wait for a better outcome.+Hyperbola as project has the essential goal of **technical emancipation** and by all further interpretation this also includes the essential point of **do it yourself**. Sorry not sorry, but as a small system-project we need to underline and explain this point in depth as we have thought it would be enough to motivate. As one point of failure is the missing analysis of historic responsibilities (please read [[https://wiki.hyperbola.info/doku.php?id=en:philosophy:logic_failures|here]] more about this) and there is no conclusion up until today while a majority of the free, libre community claims to be "free" without further definition what exactly this kind of "freedom" means or needs. Responsibility, cooperation and working together is too important than to trust reason and wait for a better outcome. **The community helps the community and is steady working side by side to welcome also everyone interested in the values and principles Hyperbola is using as project!**