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en:philosophy:incompatible_packages [2024/07/31 01:49]
throgh [List of packages and projects being integrated but in staled state]
en:philosophy:incompatible_packages [2024/11/16 11:58] (current)
throgh [List of packages and projects being not integrated and removed]
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 All of those named points are reducing or even worse declining the elemental freedom of the user, to learn, to modify, to share and to use for any purpose without restrictions. **Hyperbola** was and is always about essential freedom and with its goal of **technical emancipation** oriented on lightweight software and design so people can learn and fully control their system by all means. Including software-projects and packages based on them opposing this will never be done, also not just for convinience! All of those named points are reducing or even worse declining the elemental freedom of the user, to learn, to modify, to share and to use for any purpose without restrictions. **Hyperbola** was and is always about essential freedom and with its goal of **technical emancipation** oriented on lightweight software and design so people can learn and fully control their system by all means. Including software-projects and packages based on them opposing this will never be done, also not just for convinience!
-<note important>We do not redefine freedom here throughout our listings. Please accept that we surely give reasoning but to reduce the listings just towards only "freedom-issue" is not working and in fact is pure demagogy. Hyperbola as project has clear reasonings offered and written down here. Asking further why on whatever kind of system package and software is available but on Hyperbola not won't work out. Please therefore read again our notes above and try to understand! If you are not okay with packages missing, please use a different system instead of Hyperbola. You can also grant a helping hand for finding a solution for the issues we have noted in our listings, we won't reject here anything. But just to await from us that we comply to awaitings from the majority is not working out. Everyone is free to have a different opinion, but any opinion is same way only that and nothing more. We have provided clear reasonings and comparisons towards our actions why we have deleted or added which kind of software, using rational facts and not only thoughts or some statement from organizations to comply with.</note>+<note important>We do not redefine freedom here throughout our listings. Please accept that we surely give reasoning but to reduce the listings just towards only "freedom-issue" is not working and in fact is pure demagogy. Hyperbola as project has clear reasonings offered and written down here. Asking further why on whatever kind of system package and software is available but on Hyperbola not won't work out. Please therefore read again our notes above and try to understand! If you are not okay with packages missing, please use a different system instead of Hyperbola. You can also grant a helping hand for finding a solution for the issues we have noted in our listings, we won't reject here anything. But just to await from us that we comply to awaitings from the majority is not working out. Everyone is free to have a different opinion, but any opinion is same way only that and nothing more. We have provided clear reasonings and comparisons towards our actions why we have deleted or added which kind of software, using rational facts and not only thoughts or some statement from organizations to comply with. Also to note: Just because a software-project is free and permissive licensed does not make it more acceptable for us. We surely acknowledge the licenses used of projects and nevertheless reject their integration because they restrict users from our perspective.</note>
 ===== List of packages and projects being not integrated and removed ===== ===== List of packages and projects being not integrated and removed =====
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 ! style="background-color:#ffdddd" |<color #b90b0B>mono</color> ! style="background-color:#ffdddd" |<color #b90b0B>mono</color>
 ! Implementation of the .NET platform including runtime and compiler ! Implementation of the .NET platform including runtime and compiler
-! Package is free and permissive licensed but nevertheless bloat within especially social and economical aspects as some projects implement it as mandatory dependency without any kind of choice left to fast select another interface and dependency. It is a corporate project imposing goals of free, libre culture and destroying other free software with imperative things as the company Microsoft has only given the permission for the core-parts, holding back essential copyright material and is able planning to force all free C# implementations underground some day using their software patent ([[https://wiki.endsoftwarepatents.org/wiki/.NET,_C-sharp,_and_Mono|source]]).+! Package is free and permissive licensed but nevertheless bloat within especially social and economical aspects as some projects implement it as mandatory dependency without any kind of choice left to fast select another interface and dependency. It is a corporate project imposing goals of free, libre culture and destroying other free software with imperative things as the company Microsoft has only given the permission for the core-parts, holding back essential copyright material and is able planning to force all free C# implementations underground some day using their software patent ([[https://web.archive.org/web/20240623145424/https://wiki.endsoftwarepatents.org/wiki/.NET,_C-sharp,_and_Mono|source]]).
 |- |-
 ! style="background-color:#ffdddd" |<color #b90b0B>nodejs</color> ! style="background-color:#ffdddd" |<color #b90b0B>nodejs</color>
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 ! style="background-color:#ffdddd" |<color #b90b0B>redis</color> ! style="background-color:#ffdddd" |<color #b90b0B>redis</color>
 ! An in-memory database that persists on disk ! An in-memory database that persists on disk
-! Package is not free and permissive licensed, in its whole approach only usable in combination with specialized software. It is a Corporate project imposing goals of free, libre culture and destroying other free software with imperative things (breaks portability, ignores backwards compatibility, and replaces existing services, forcing into adoption)!+! Package is not free and permissive licensed, in its whole approach only usable in combination with specialized software. It is a corporate project imposing goals of free, libre culture and destroying other free software with imperative things (breaks portability, ignores backwards compatibility, and replaces existing services, forcing into adoption)!
 |- |-
 ! style="background-color:#ffdddd" |<color #b90b0B>syslog-ng</color> ! style="background-color:#ffdddd" |<color #b90b0B>syslog-ng</color>
 ! Next-generation syslogd with advanced networking and filtering capabilities ! Next-generation syslogd with advanced networking and filtering capabilities
-! Package is a corporate project imposing goals of free, libre culture and destroying other free software with imperative things (breaks portability, ignores backwards compatibility, and replaces existing services, forcing into adoption, [[https://www.syslog-ng.com/community/b/blog/posts/how-to-use-syslog-ng-with-laas-and-why|source]])!+! Package is a corporate project imposing goals of free, libre culture and destroying other free software with imperative things (breaks portability, ignores backwards compatibility, and replaces existing services, forcing into adoption, [[https://web.archive.org/web/20240703164946/https://www.syslog-ng.com/community/b/blog/posts/how-to-use-syslog-ng-with-laas-and-why|source]])!
 |- |-
 ! style="background-color:#ffdddd" |<color #b90b0B>libsecret</color> ! style="background-color:#ffdddd" |<color #b90b0B>libsecret</color>
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 ! style="background-color:#ffdddd" |<color #b90b0B>libwebp</color> ! style="background-color:#ffdddd" |<color #b90b0B>libwebp</color>
 ! WebP library and conversion tools ! WebP library and conversion tools
-! Package had [[https://www.upguard.com/blog/libwebp-cve-2023|severe vulnerabilities]] and is also under the development of one company without direct community-focus. Please refer also to our article on [[en:philosophy:trademarks|trademarks]] therefore.+! Package had [[https://web.archive.org/web/20231202150144/https://www.upguard.com/blog/libwebp-cve-2023|severe vulnerabilities]] and is also under the development of one company without direct community-focus. Please refer also to our article on [[en:philosophy:trademarks|trademarks]] therefore.
 |- |-
 ! style="background-color:#ffdddd" |<color #b90b0B>wine</color> ! style="background-color:#ffdddd" |<color #b90b0B>wine</color>
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 ! AV1 cross-platform decoder focused on speed and correctness ! AV1 cross-platform decoder focused on speed and correctness
 ! The AV1-codec is managed through a consortium, founded by several companies. It is marked as "open-source" and granted usage throughout the companies giving access to their trademarks and patents. But all of this is only on the surface as the grant of being royalty free can never be given and the companies behind can also take away the allowed rights. This is a common misconception of "open-source" and Hyperbola therefore does not include that package. ! The AV1-codec is managed through a consortium, founded by several companies. It is marked as "open-source" and granted usage throughout the companies giving access to their trademarks and patents. But all of this is only on the surface as the grant of being royalty free can never be given and the companies behind can also take away the allowed rights. This is a common misconception of "open-source" and Hyperbola therefore does not include that package.
 +! style="background-color:#ffdddd" |<color #b90b0B>aom</color>
 +! Alliance for Open Media video codec
 +! The AV1-codec is managed through a consortium, founded by several companies. It is marked as "open-source" and granted usage throughout the companies giving access to their trademarks and patents. But all of this is only on the surface as the grant of being royalty free can never be given and the companies behind can also take away the allowed rights. This is a common misconception of "open-source" and Hyperbola therefore does not include that package.
 +! style="background-color:#ffdddd" |<color #b90b0B>svt-av1</color>
 +! Scalable Video Technology AV1 encoder and decoder
 +! The AV1-codec is managed through a consortium, founded by several companies. It is marked as "open-source" and granted usage throughout the companies giving access to their trademarks and patents. But all of this is only on the surface as the grant of being royalty free can never be given and the companies behind can also take away the allowed rights. This is a common misconception of "open-source" and Hyperbola therefore does not include that package.
 +! style="background-color:#ffdddd" |<color #b90b0B>rav1e</color>
 +! An AV1 encoder focused on speed and safety
 +! The AV1-codec is managed through a consortium, founded by several companies. It is marked as "open-source" and granted usage throughout the companies giving access to their trademarks and patents. But all of this is only on the surface as the grant of being royalty free can never be given and the companies behind can also take away the allowed rights. This is a common misconception of "open-source" and Hyperbola therefore does not include that package. Besides package is using **Rust**.
 +! style="background-color:#ffdddd" |<color #b90b0B>opencv</color>
 +! Computer Vision Library
 +! Package is including in later revisions interface-implementations towards non-free **CUDA** and furthermore support for machine learning. Both are not supported on Hyperbola and therefore this package is marked incompatible!
 +! style="background-color:#ffdddd" |<color #b90b0B>opencl</color>
 +! Open Computing Language
 +! Package is in newer revisions implemented with **Rust** and is therefore not offering a free and libre possibility. Marked incompatible for Hyperbola and removed with all other depending packages and projects. 
 +! style="background-color:#ffdddd" |<color #b90b0B>gzdoom (and forks)</color>
 +! Advanced Doom source port with OpenGL support
 +! Package includes further non-free derivative work and is therefore not possible to be distributed within a free and libre defined operating-system.
 +! style="background-color:#ffdddd" |<color #b90b0B>brotli</color>
 +! Generic-purpose lossless compression algorithm
 +! Package is a corporate project imposing goals of free, libre culture and destroying other free software with imperative things (breaks portability, ignores backwards compatibility, and replaces existing services, forcing into adoption)!
 +! style="background-color:#ffdddd" |<color #b90b0B>woff2</color>
 +! Web Open Font Format 2 reference implementation
 +! Package is a corporate project imposing goals of free, libre culture and destroying other free software with imperative things (breaks portability, ignores backwards compatibility, and replaces existing services, forcing into adoption)!
 +! style="background-color:#ffdddd" |<color #b90b0B>spamassassin</color>
 +! A mail filter to identify spam.
 +! The Apache Foundations does not allow generic to distribute modified versions under the same name ([[https://www.apache.org/foundation/marks/faq/#may-i-distibute-modified-versions-of-apache-software-under-the-original-name|link]]), which makes it problematic to offer rebranded versions for every new release. Therefore all Apache-projects are excluded from Hyperbola.
 +! style="background-color:#ffdddd" |<color #b90b0B>sqlcipher</color>
 +! SQLite extension that provides transparent 256-bit AES encryption of database files
 +! Package is provided free and permissive, but not granting full access to all features and therefore code is only given fully when money is paid. Hyperbola is not offering such packages and deny their further integration.
 +! style="background-color:#ffdddd" |<color #b90b0B>libheif</color>
 +! HEIF file format decoder and encoder
 +! Package is free and permissive licensed but offering a format only being a corporate project imposing goals of free, libre culture and destroying other free software with imperative things (breaks portability, ignores backwards compatibility, and replaces existing services, forcing into adoption)!
 +! style="background-color:#ffdddd" |<color #b90b0B>libavtp</color>
 +! Implementation of Audio Video Transport Protocol
 +! Package is free and permissive licensed but offering a format only being a corporate project imposing goals of free, libre culture and destroying other free software with imperative things (breaks portability, ignores backwards compatibility, and replaces existing services, forcing into adoption)!
 +! style="background-color:#ffdddd" |<color #b90b0B>rsyslog</color>
 +! An enhanced multi-threaded syslogd with a focus on security and reliability
 +! Package is free and permissive licensed but only a corporate project.
 |- |-
 |} |}
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 ! style="background-color:#eaecf0"  colspan="1"| Description ! style="background-color:#eaecf0"  colspan="1"| Description
 ! style="background-color:#eaecf0"  colspan="1"| Reasoning ! style="background-color:#eaecf0"  colspan="1"| Reasoning
-! style="background-color:#fae65b" |<color #816e00>weechat</color> 
-! Fast, light and extensible IRC client (curses UI) 
-! Since release 3.5 the project is enforcing **zstd** using it as mandatory dependency. So the last functional version for Hyperbola is 3.4.1 and being on hold in this state. 
 |- |-
 ! style="background-color:#fae65b" |<color #816e00>wyrmsun</color> ! style="background-color:#fae65b" |<color #816e00>wyrmsun</color>
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 ! style="background-color:#fae65b" |<color #816e00>inkscape</color> ! style="background-color:#fae65b" |<color #816e00>inkscape</color>
 ! Professional vector graphics editor ! Professional vector graphics editor
-! Project has started to provide profiles for non-free services like **Facebook**, **Twitter** and others in version 1.1, providing those directly in a dialog when starting to select possible sizings for new created graphic-files. Since this is at minimum social bloated Hyperbola will no longer provide further updates to the application and set it on hold in its current version available in our repositories. A patch would not help to overcome this situation.+! Project has started to provide profiles for non-free services like **Facebook**, **Twitter** and others in version 1.1, providing those directly in a dialog when starting to select possible sizings for new created graphic-files. Since this is at minimum social bloated Hyperbola will no longer provide further updates to the application and set it on hold in its current version available in our repositories (0.92.4). A patch would not help to overcome this situation.
 |- |-
 ! style="background-color:#fae65b" |<color #816e00>clamav</color> ! style="background-color:#fae65b" |<color #816e00>clamav</color>
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 ! style="background-color:#fae65b" |<color #816e00>ffmpeg</color> ! style="background-color:#fae65b" |<color #816e00>ffmpeg</color>
 ! Complete solution to record, convert and stream audio and video ! Complete solution to record, convert and stream audio and video
-! Package implements corporate sources and patents as having basic not much choice. Within newer releases package also implements [[https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AFFmpeg%2FFFmpeg+vf_dnn_detect&type=commits&p=1|enhancements funded with not free and libre interests]], going into the opposite direction of what Hyperbola wants to reach. So package is on hold in version 4.4.+! Package implements corporate sources and patents as having basic not much choice. Within newer releases package also implements [[https://github.com/search?q=repo%3AFFmpeg%2FFFmpeg+vf_dnn_detect&type=commits&p=1|enhancements funded with not free and libre interests]], going into the opposite direction of what Hyperbola wants to reach. So package is on hold in version 4.4.5.
 |- |-
 ! style="background-color:#fae65b" |<color #816e00>conky</color> ! style="background-color:#fae65b" |<color #816e00>conky</color>
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 ! Simple distributed compiler client and server ! Simple distributed compiler client and server
 ! Package enforces **zstd** as dependency. Therefore we keep the package on hold in version 3.3.5. ! Package enforces **zstd** as dependency. Therefore we keep the package on hold in version 3.3.5.
 +! style="background-color:#fae65b" |<color #816e00>handbrake</color>
 +! Multithreaded, free software video transcoder
 +! Package enforces several problematic dependencies alike the AV1-codec. Therefore we keep the package on hold in version 1.3.1.
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 |} |}