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en:philosophy:rust_trademark [2024/11/22 23:09]
throgh [What are the issues?]
en:philosophy:rust_trademark [2024/11/22 23:21] (current)
throgh [What are the issues?]
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 In short, the **Rust Foundation won't be happy with us applying patches and modifications** to their trademarked language **without "explicit approval", so it is a freedom issue**. We should not have to ask for modifications. For further references, [[https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/93157|there is a report in Rust about those trademark restrictions]] and [[https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/53287#issuecomment-414472372|Niko's response (one of the members of the Rust Legal Team)]]. In short, the **Rust Foundation won't be happy with us applying patches and modifications** to their trademarked language **without "explicit approval", so it is a freedom issue**. We should not have to ask for modifications. For further references, [[https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/93157|there is a report in Rust about those trademark restrictions]] and [[https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/53287#issuecomment-414472372|Niko's response (one of the members of the Rust Legal Team)]].
-So to underline the issue: A free and libre oriented system cannot provide a package-manager besides its own to preserve the autonomy of the free system itself. What the users are doing is their own decision, but they should be always able to assure a consistent free and libre oriented system outside their own decisions that they are responsible for. If we would remove **Cargo**, we would need to ask for permission when we call the package **Rust**. And if we remove the package-manager (**Cargo**) we also create a not useful result as **Rust** depends on it fully when building.+A free and libre oriented system cannot provide a package-manager besides its own to preserve the autonomy of the free system itself. What the users are doing is their own decision, but they should be always able to assure a consistent free and libre oriented system outside their own decisions that they are responsible for. If we would remove **Cargo**, we would need to ask for permission when we call the package **Rust**. And if we remove the package-manager (**Cargo**) we also create a not useful result as **Rust** depends on it fully when building. If we add needed dependencies for software based on **Rust**, we enlarge the number of our packages provided.
 To summarize the issues: To summarize the issues: