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en:philosophy:wording_phrases [2024/09/23 12:19]
en:philosophy:wording_phrases [2024/10/22 13:07] (current)
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 The essential result out of free, libre licensed and designed software is not security and privcacy. They are also not the most important parts of freedom. Surely they are important, but they are caused throughout the possibility of free and libre software when users have the freedom to review the code and modify it based on their needs and interests. Software under an audit from its users at any given time has the possibility to be secure. But here comes a generic misunderstanding: This is not generic for every free, libre licensed software and project. This is also not coming out of nothing and when people just "use" the software without ever looking after its source-code and data, errors and failures are not seen. This is also a reference for [[en:philosophy:cooperation_worktogether|cooperation and working together]]: A majority is using the work of a minority and is not offering any helping hand, does not work and is also a misguiding phrase then in the end when individuals claim: "Privacy and security are the most important parts of freedom." The essential result out of free, libre licensed and designed software is not security and privcacy. They are also not the most important parts of freedom. Surely they are important, but they are caused throughout the possibility of free and libre software when users have the freedom to review the code and modify it based on their needs and interests. Software under an audit from its users at any given time has the possibility to be secure. But here comes a generic misunderstanding: This is not generic for every free, libre licensed software and project. This is also not coming out of nothing and when people just "use" the software without ever looking after its source-code and data, errors and failures are not seen. This is also a reference for [[en:philosophy:cooperation_worktogether|cooperation and working together]]: A majority is using the work of a minority and is not offering any helping hand, does not work and is also a misguiding phrase then in the end when individuals claim: "Privacy and security are the most important parts of freedom."
-No, they are not. They are the result of working together and continuous cooperation. But not the most important part or just delivered "gratis". And to trust anyone stating that the developed software is safe, the source-code on high standards and no backdoors are included or provided without granting access to the essential sources and data is nothing more than good faith with demand to trust instead to know. Of course it is also not easy to audit and review provided source-code of a project, so the same argument is also possible in regards to free, libre software being very big scaled with many sources and data-files. Therefore Hyperbola has the orientation towards minimalism.+No, they are not. They are the result of working together and continuous cooperation. But not the most important part or just delivered "gratis". And to trust anyone stating that the developed software is safe, the source-code on high standards and no backdoors are included or provided without granting access to the essential sources and data is nothing more than good faith with demand to trust instead to know. Of course it is also not easy to audit and review provided source-code of a project, so the same argument is also possible in regards to free, libre software being very big scaled with many sources and data-files. Therefore Hyperbola has the orientation towards minimalism. Sure thing we do not judge or ask for personal beliefs at any given time. But when we are confronted with beliefs based on "conspiracy theories" doing exactly harm to others or including the decision to endanger others, we will always take action on behalf of our [[en:project:social_contract|social contract]].
 ===== Conspiracy theories are not helpful ===== ===== Conspiracy theories are not helpful =====
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 So we refer to the term "conspiracy theory" as "hypothesized conspiracy" including a circular logic. Referring to "conspiracy theories" towards helpful for critical thinking is the opposite in fact. Critical thoughts are not the result of "conspiracy theories" as they are referring to clear processing and validating of theories resulting on further fact-based argumentation. So we refer to the term "conspiracy theory" as "hypothesized conspiracy" including a circular logic. Referring to "conspiracy theories" towards helpful for critical thinking is the opposite in fact. Critical thoughts are not the result of "conspiracy theories" as they are referring to clear processing and validating of theories resulting on further fact-based argumentation.
 +Also very often the included dangers are not seen as "conspiracy theories" are partwise capable to enlarge clear threats to democratic values when people no longer attend in reasonable debates based on clear facts. Yes, we acknowledge that we are living with complexity. But the answer can't be that we call "conspiracy theories" a helpful toolset for critical thinking. As said: Critical thinking is a result of steady and successive approximation to verify or falsify theories. As Hyperbola is also not meant as ground for "conspiracy theories" we always ask back for exactly falsification or verification of thoughts and theories we include, same as for our packages and therefore included software-projects. But we do not support "conspiracy theories" for being defined as critical thinking as this will never fit.
 +Sure thing, we will never ask for and judge personal beliefs as long as they do not harm others. Nevertheless when we are confronted with beliefs based on "conspiracy theories" harming others or including the decision to endanger others, we will always and immediately act on behalf of our [[en:project:social_contract|social contract]]. In the conclusion of this section: We see conspiracy theories in no way helpful to enhance critical thinking, especially not when it comes to a very dangerous development for individuals narrowing their perspective into echo-chambers without a chance to escape at a given point because people are then so much under the impression of being persecuted that they reject anything else.
 +===== Not distributing and including clear defined packages is not censorship =====
 +As project based on clear, strict guidelines we are also often confronted with false claims. For example the one already stated for naming this section: The word "censorship" is clearly not a fitting description when Hyperbola as system-distribution and also further free, libre operating-system is concluding not to build, offer and maintain some clear defined software-projects. We have named several clear and fact-based points why we decline software in many cases and naming this "censorship" is not only failing to describe that mechanism. It is also a harsh and also in no way working attack towards Hyperbola itself and also in no way even fit real "censorship".
 +This also harm people being confronted and endangered through real "censorship" as by clear description "censorship" is the suppression of speech, public communication or other information. Not adding a concrete package is in that definition not even nearing this description and acting. In fact we invite people to be also contributors and build their own packages and ports, further also sharing their build-files for the community. So "censorship" (following the known clear definition) is clearly something Hyperbola rejects.
 +===== No packages were copied and later on removed =====
 +Even though Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre and also HyperbolaBSD using pacman as central package-manager does not mean any package was just copied from elsewhere or taken from Arch GNU/Linux. We do not use binary packages as we build them on our own and also have our own repositories fully independent. Please understand that Hyperbola has its own build-servers, own routines therefore building and creating packaging-scripts. We surely reuse scripts, but we do not use packages from elsewhere.
 ===== Conclusion ===== ===== Conclusion =====
 This article is written with the intention of clearing possible misguidance and misinterpretation. Hyperbola was, is and will be always a project oriented on democratic values. But this also means that Hyperbola is not supporting clear marked lies and propaganda resulting from shortened phrases and buzzwords. A democracy needs rules for orientation and not to grant the highest amount of egocentric will. Giving back means also to grant support and help for each other, to empower every member to overview possible risks and never stop learning. If you are same committed to those values and principles, feel welcome here at the project and in our community. If you decline the essentials written down, Hyperbola is not the place you want to engage. This may look like exclusion, but is in fact only the clear statement that anybody is asked to question own perspectives. Rules are not always perfect same way, so if there is a clear point seen we ask always for feedback and criticism. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us and support in the development of this project. This article is written with the intention of clearing possible misguidance and misinterpretation. Hyperbola was, is and will be always a project oriented on democratic values. But this also means that Hyperbola is not supporting clear marked lies and propaganda resulting from shortened phrases and buzzwords. A democracy needs rules for orientation and not to grant the highest amount of egocentric will. Giving back means also to grant support and help for each other, to empower every member to overview possible risks and never stop learning. If you are same committed to those values and principles, feel welcome here at the project and in our community. If you decline the essentials written down, Hyperbola is not the place you want to engage. This may look like exclusion, but is in fact only the clear statement that anybody is asked to question own perspectives. Rules are not always perfect same way, so if there is a clear point seen we ask always for feedback and criticism. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us and support in the development of this project.