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en:philosophy:wording_phrases [2024/10/22 13:06]
en:philosophy:wording_phrases [2024/10/22 13:07] (current)
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 Even though Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre and also HyperbolaBSD using pacman as central package-manager does not mean any package was just copied from elsewhere or taken from Arch GNU/Linux. We do not use binary packages as we build them on our own and also have our own repositories fully independent. Please understand that Hyperbola has its own build-servers, own routines therefore building and creating packaging-scripts. We surely reuse scripts, but we do not use packages from elsewhere. Even though Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre and also HyperbolaBSD using pacman as central package-manager does not mean any package was just copied from elsewhere or taken from Arch GNU/Linux. We do not use binary packages as we build them on our own and also have our own repositories fully independent. Please understand that Hyperbola has its own build-servers, own routines therefore building and creating packaging-scripts. We surely reuse scripts, but we do not use packages from elsewhere.
-===== Your project is censoring my freedom because of not offering some software-projects and also not allowing all speech without any restrictions ===== 
-If you only argue for your own, personal freedom, you completely ignore freedom for all beings. It is then only an argument regarding your personal privileges and not an argument about freedom itself. Hyperbola is restricting no one but is also taking the responsibility to be inclusive instead of following only "freedom of speech without responsibility". If you think and / or feel therefore restricted, please just go on with your thoughts and come to the conclusion that there are surely enough other possible systems fitting your needs better. Perhaps you also reflect a bit more and come to a wider perspective in time. 
 ===== Conclusion ===== ===== Conclusion =====
 This article is written with the intention of clearing possible misguidance and misinterpretation. Hyperbola was, is and will be always a project oriented on democratic values. But this also means that Hyperbola is not supporting clear marked lies and propaganda resulting from shortened phrases and buzzwords. A democracy needs rules for orientation and not to grant the highest amount of egocentric will. Giving back means also to grant support and help for each other, to empower every member to overview possible risks and never stop learning. If you are same committed to those values and principles, feel welcome here at the project and in our community. If you decline the essentials written down, Hyperbola is not the place you want to engage. This may look like exclusion, but is in fact only the clear statement that anybody is asked to question own perspectives. Rules are not always perfect same way, so if there is a clear point seen we ask always for feedback and criticism. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us and support in the development of this project. This article is written with the intention of clearing possible misguidance and misinterpretation. Hyperbola was, is and will be always a project oriented on democratic values. But this also means that Hyperbola is not supporting clear marked lies and propaganda resulting from shortened phrases and buzzwords. A democracy needs rules for orientation and not to grant the highest amount of egocentric will. Giving back means also to grant support and help for each other, to empower every member to overview possible risks and never stop learning. If you are same committed to those values and principles, feel welcome here at the project and in our community. If you decline the essentials written down, Hyperbola is not the place you want to engage. This may look like exclusion, but is in fact only the clear statement that anybody is asked to question own perspectives. Rules are not always perfect same way, so if there is a clear point seen we ask always for feedback and criticism. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us and support in the development of this project.