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en:project:donations [2023/04/11 17:43]
en:project:donations [2024/08/06 13:59] (current)
throgh [What Hyperbola needs]
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 Hyperbola is a community driven project funded by donations. All the software in Hyperbola is both [[https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html | free]] and gratis, so the project relies on the community to sustain itself. You can easily help by making a donation. Hyperbola is a community driven project funded by donations. All the software in Hyperbola is both [[https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html | free]] and gratis, so the project relies on the community to sustain itself. You can easily help by making a donation.
-We will spend the funds exclusively in the HyperbolaBSD system development, which is the most hardest part of Hyperbola Project and requires much time of effort and dedication. It is our goal to receive enough funds to sustain the main development team, so in the future they will be able to work full time on the HyperbolaBSD project.+We will spend as much funds as possible exclusively in the HyperbolaBSD system development, which is the most hardest part of Hyperbola Project and requires much time of effort and dedication. It is our goal to receive enough funds to sustain the main development team, so in the future they will be able to work full time on the HyperbolaBSD project
 +===== What Hyperbola needs ===== 
 +Hyperbola as project is done by volunteers in their free time. Besides working on HyperbolaBSD we also need to cover operating expenses for: 
 +  * web-infrastructure 
 +  * build-server 
 +  * repositories 
 +  * file-servers 
 +We do not get any further support by other organizations, so we do all that alone. Also we always need hardware, especially 32bit-exclusive oriented hardware so we can test our development for HyperbolaBSD. We do our best to keep Hyperbola running and updated, but we count also on community-support and therefore we are depending on that. As developers we even pay the current expenses from our own pockets and money.
 ===== Payment methods: ===== ===== Payment methods: =====
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 ===== Acknowledgement ===== ===== Acknowledgement =====
-This wiki article is based on **[[https://trisquel.info/en/donate|Trisquel's donations page]]** and **[[https://wiki.parabola.nu/|ParabolaWiki]]**.+This wiki article is based on **[[https://wiki.parabola.nu/|ParabolaWiki]]**.