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en:project:donations [2024/08/05 13:16]
throgh [What Hyperbola needs]
en:project:donations [2024/08/06 13:59] (current)
throgh [What Hyperbola needs]
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 Hyperbola as project is done by volunteers in their free time. Besides working on HyperbolaBSD we also need to cover operating expenses for: Hyperbola as project is done by volunteers in their free time. Besides working on HyperbolaBSD we also need to cover operating expenses for:
-  * web-infrastructure hosted+  * web-infrastructure
   * build-server   * build-server
-  * repositories hosted+  * repositories
   * file-servers   * file-servers
-We do not get any further support by other organizations like FSF / FSFE / FSFLA, so we do all that alone. Also we always need hardware, especially 32bit-exclusive oriented hardware so we can test our development for HyperbolaBSD.+We do not get any further support by other organizations, so we do all that alone. Also we always need hardware, especially 32bit-exclusive oriented hardware so we can test our development for HyperbolaBSD. We do our best to keep Hyperbola running and updated, but we count also on community-support and therefore we are depending on that. As developers we even pay the current expenses from our own pockets and money.
 ===== Payment methods: ===== ===== Payment methods: =====