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en:project:downloads [2022/03/01 21:44]
coadde [Hardware requirements]
en:project:downloads [2024/09/30 04:22] (current)
throgh [Hyperbola live image]
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-===== Download =====+====== Download ======
 The images can be burned to a DVD, mounted as an image, or directly written to an USB stick using an utility like <color #620BB9/#EEDDFF>dd</color>. The images can be burned to a DVD, mounted as an image, or directly written to an USB stick using an utility like <color #620BB9/#EEDDFF>dd</color>.
Line 8: Line 8:
 <code bash> <code bash>
-# pacman -Syuu+# pacman -Syu
 </code>. </code>.
 </note> </note>
Line 20: Line 20:
 |- |-
 ! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | Release: ! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | Release:
-! Milky Way v0.4+! Milky Way v0.4.4
 |- |-
 ! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | Size: ! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | Size:
-! 1.GiB+! 1.GiB
 |- |-
 ! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | Announcement: ! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | Announcement:
-! [[https://www.hyperbola.info/news/milky-way-v04-install-medium-release/ | Announcement]]+! [[https://www.hyperbola.info/news/milky-way-v044-install-medium-release/ | Announcement]]
 |- |-
 ! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | Torrent: ! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | Torrent:
-! [[https://repo.hyperbola.info/other/live_images/gnu-plus-linux-libre/hyperbola-milky-way-latest/hyperbola-milky-way-v0.4-dual.iso.torrent|Torrent]]+! [[https://repo.hyperbola.info:50000/other/live_images/gnu-plus-linux-libre/hyperbola-milky-way-latest/hyperbola-milky-way-v0.4.4-dual.iso.torrent|Torrent]]
 |- |-
 ! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | Magnet: ! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | Magnet:
-! [[https://repo.hyperbola.info/other/live_images/gnu-plus-linux-libre/hyperbola-milky-way-latest/hyperbola-milky-way-v0.4-dual.iso.magnet|Magnet]]+! [[https://repo.hyperbola.info:50000/other/live_images/gnu-plus-linux-libre/hyperbola-milky-way-latest/hyperbola-milky-way-v0.4.4-dual.iso.magnet|Magnet]]
 |- |-
 ! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | Authenticity: ! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | Authenticity:
-! Don't forget to [[en:guide:verify live images|verify your live image]]+! Don't forget to [[en:manual:verify_live_images|verify your live image]]
 |} |}
 ===== Sources ===== ===== Sources =====
-See our [[en:main:sources|sources]] page for further details.+See our [[en:project:sources|sources]] page for further details.
 ===== Hardware requirements ===== ===== Hardware requirements =====
Line 124: Line 124:
 <note>In Milky Way v0.2 live image the SYSLINUX (EFI 64bit) replaces Systemd-boot bootloader.</note> <note>In Milky Way v0.2 live image the SYSLINUX (EFI 64bit) replaces Systemd-boot bootloader.</note>
 <note>In Milky Way v0.1 live image use Systemd-boot bootloader to boot in EFI 64bit computers only.</note> <note>In Milky Way v0.1 live image use Systemd-boot bootloader to boot in EFI 64bit computers only.</note>
 ===== Acknowledgement ===== ===== Acknowledgement =====
 This wiki article is based on **[[https://wiki.parabola.nu/|ParabolaWiki]]** and **Mint's download page**. We may have removed non-[[https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html|FSDG]] bits from it. This wiki article is based on **[[https://wiki.parabola.nu/|ParabolaWiki]]** and **Mint's download page**. We may have removed non-[[https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html|FSDG]] bits from it.