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pt:manual:deblob_a_kernel_patch [2024/11/04 22:12]
luck02 [What is a blob?]
pt:manual:deblob_a_kernel_patch [2024/11/04 22:18] (current)
luck02 [How to use deblob-check to deblob kernel patches?]
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-In this case, you should check if those references were deblobbed in deblob-x.y of the kernel version that you are using. You can get it at the [[http://www.fsfla.org/svn/fsfla/software/linux-libre/scripts/|Linux-libre scripts page]] (eg. [[http://www.fsfla.org/svn/fsfla/software/linux-libre/scripts/deblob-4.9|4.9-gnu]]).+In this case, you should check if those references were deblobbed in deblob-x.y of the kernel version that you are using. You can get it at the [[http://www.fsfla.org/svn/fsfla/software/linux-libre/scripts/|Linux-libre scripts page]] (eg. [[http://www.fsfla.org/svn/fsfla/software/linux-libre/scripts/deblob-6.9|6.9-gnu]]).
 If those references aren't available in Linux-libre source yet, then you should check if those references aren't false positives. If the first reference (eg. request_firmware_direct) is requesting a blob, then you should rename **request_firmware_direct** to **reject_firmware_direct** and if the second one (wl18xx-conf.bin) is a blob, you must replace it with ** /*(DEBLOBBED)*/ **, eg: If those references aren't available in Linux-libre source yet, then you should check if those references aren't false positives. If the first reference (eg. request_firmware_direct) is requesting a blob, then you should rename **request_firmware_direct** to **reject_firmware_direct** and if the second one (wl18xx-conf.bin) is a blob, you must replace it with ** /*(DEBLOBBED)*/ **, eg: