====== Introduction ====== **Hyperbola** is under continual development. The current release name is "**Milky Way**". It is also (currently) known by the codename "**stable**". Each version also corresponds to a set of named software repositories (at least one per CPU architecture). At any given time, there is one stable release of **Hyperbola**, which has the support of the [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/security-team/|Hyperbola security team]]. When a new stable version is released, the security team will usually cover it to debug packages, maintain patches imported from Debian and evaluate security threats through the [[https://issues.hyperbola.info|HyperTask]] to help the [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/developers/|Hyperbola development team]]. Only stable is recommended for use. There are also a main development repository testing maintained by the [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/developers/|Hyperbola development team]] which is continually updated during the development of the next stable release. The latest packages arrive in testing (which always has the codename "**White Hole**"). ===== Choosing ===== End users should generally choose to run either stable or testing. **Stable** is recommended for applications requiring stability and security (servers, firewalls etc) and is also recommended for those who are new to GNU/Linux. **Testing** is recommended for slightly more advanced users who are capable of [[https://issues.hyperbola.info|reporting]] and fixing bugs to help Hyperbola. ===== Codenames and current release names ===== {| border="1" style="sortable; text-align: center; border-collapse:collapse; color:#262627; background-color:#f8f9fa;" ! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |Codename ! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |Description ! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |Release name |- |old-stable |The previous stable generation. | - |- |stable |The current stable release. |Milky Way |- |testing |The unstable development release, where new or updated packages are introduced. |White Hole |} ===== Development releases ===== {| border="1" style="sortable; text-align: center; border-collapse:collapse; color:#262627; background-color:#f8f9fa;" ! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |OS ! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |Version ! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |Release name ! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |Debian-based patches release ! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |Arch-based snapshot date ! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |Release date ! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |End of life date |- |HyperbolaBSD |1 - 1.x |Canis Major | - | N/A | TBA | TBA |- |HyperbolaBSD |1-rc - 1.x-rc |Canis Major | - | N/A | TBA | TBA |- |HyperbolaBSD |v0.99-beta - v0.99.x-beta |Canis Major | - | N/A | TBA | TBA |- |HyperbolaBSD |v0.99-alpha - v0.99.x-alpha |Canis Major | N/A | N/A | TBA | TBA |- |HyperbolaBSD |v0.99-pre-alpha - v0.99.x-pre-alpha |Canis Major | N/A | N/A | TBA | TBA |- |GNU/Linux-libre |0.4.4 |Milky Way |Bookworm | N/A |[[https://www.hyperbola.info/news/milky-way-v044-install-medium-release/|2024-01-05]] |Q3 2024 (stable) / approx. 2024 (old-stable) |- |GNU/Linux-libre |0.4.3 |Milky Way |Bullseye/Bookworm | N/A |[[https://www.hyperbola.info/news/milky-way-v043-install-medium-release/|2023-09-06]] |Q1 2024 (stable) / approx. 2023 (old-stable) |- |GNU/Linux-libre |0.4 - 0.4.2 |Milky Way |Bullseye |May 8th 2020 |[[https://www.hyperbola.info/news/milky-way-v04-release/|2022-03-01, 0.4]] [[https://www.hyperbola.info/news/milky-way-v041-install-medium-release/|2022-08-03, 0.4.1]] [[https://www.hyperbola.info/news/milky-way-v042-install-medium-release/|2022-12-22, 0.4.2]] |approx. 2023 (stable) / Q4 2023 (old-stable) |- |GNU/Linux-libre |0.1 - 0.3 |Milky Way |Stretch |[[https://www.hyperbola.info/news/stable-v01-release/|May 8th 2017]] |[[https://www.hyperbola.info/news/stable-v01-release/|July 13th 2017]] |approx. 2020 (stable) / approx. 2022 (old-stable) |} There will be some stability changes between //0.x// versions (Milky Way) as we make it to version 1.0 (Canis Major), where we plan to have [[en:start#what_is_long_term_support_lts|Long Term Support]]. ===== Acknowledgement ===== This wiki article is based on **DebianWiki**. We may have removed non-[[https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html|FSDG]] bits from it.