This page is not completely translated at the moment ! ====== Les vices de Chromium en matière de liberté ====== En tant que militants libristes, nous apprécions toujours d'utiliser les logiciels libres plus modernes et performants, mais nous devons nous assurer que **le logiciel que nous utilisons respecte réellement notre liberté**. Beaucoup d'utilisateurs nous ont communiqué **leur désir d'utiliser le navigateur web Chromium**, puisqu'il semble être un logiciel complètement libre, mais celui-ci **présente encore des lacunes à plusieurs égards**. Dans notre étude, nous avons découvert que la situation est en cours d'amélioration. Il y a encore quelques années, **il y avait plus d'un millier de fichiers sans licence** qui étaient considérés comme non-libres. Grâce aux efforts et aux rapports Lintian de Debian, **il semblerait que ces problèmes aient été résolus**. **Cependant Chromium, par défaut**, a toujours un certain nombre de problèmes qui concernent les utilisateurs de logiciels libres - **et ce même si l'ensemble du code est convenablement licencié**. ===== Quels sont ces problèmes ? ===== ==== Requêtes à Google ==== **By default, Chromium source code still has many lines of code that makes direct internet connections to Google**. When building the software unpatched, much of your browsing experience is under the control of Google's online web services. As mentioned in the article [[|Who does that server really serve?]], free software is only free when you are in control and should not be dependant on third-party web services. Some work has already been done to free Chromium from this problem, including the removal of "Google OK", a [[|Google web service plugin used for voice recognition, after user outcry]]. ==== Pre-built Binaries ==== **By default, Chromium** still includes some pre-built binaries to aid in faster compiling. In order to have fully free software, **we require all software to be built from source**. Packagers should not use "use_prebuilt" as a compile option. ==== DRM et Codecs Propriétaires ==== **Chromium supports** the use of Widevine DRM, Adobe Pepper Flash, and third-party codecs which are nonfree. **Packagers must ensure that these are removed from the source code** prior to compiling in order to be free software. **To disable them is not enough**. It required to **remove (support and references about it) from the source** as per the [[|FSDG]]. ==== Problème de vie privée ==== While not specific to free software, **we would like for users to have control over their private information**. Chromium has a [[|number of reported privacy concerns which made it ineligible for use with Tor]]. Issues include **outstanding proxy bugs** which **leak an user's IP address**, fingerprinting issues that **leak the computers hostname and hardware**, and **timing issues that enable timing attacks** even in the browser's "Incognitio" mode. **Free software users should be aware of these issues** and work to patch them upstream and in their packages as needed. ==== Un travail en cours ==== There is work being done to remove queries to Google and pre-built binaries, as well as strengthen user-privacy. The patch-set called **ungoogled-chromium**, which itself is a **combination of Inox, Iridium, and Debian patches is one such effort**. **Free software advocates are advised** to use these patchsets and help contribute to their maintenance, while pushing for a self-contained version of Chromium with these fixes built-in. With each consecutive Chromium release a new patchset must be created to remove Google specific code and binaries which affect your freedom. **Having a self-contained version** ensures that **no one will be forced to accidentally use nonfree software** during these updates. ===== L'ensemble du tableau ===== Chromium is also being used as an **embedded framework in various projects**. Users should be aware that **Qt WebEngine is based on Chromium and therefore contains many of the same flaws**. [[|Proprietary codecs and other anti-features]] **must be removed at compile time** to ensure user's freedom is respected. Due to Qt being a primary component of KDE and many applications, ensuring it is compiled correctly and **removing nonfree software** is of even greater importance to the [[|Free Software Movement]]. For our freedom's sake, **free software projects should take care about all kinds of freedom issues** when deciding what components to depend on. We are hopeful that the various projects currently working with Chromium source code will make Chromium fully respect both **users' freedom and users' privacy**, making the internet safer, as well as more freedom respecting, for everyone. ===== Licence ===== This is Free work, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: The [[|Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License]] as published by Creative Commons; either version 4.0, or (at your option) any later version, or The [[|GNU Free Documentation License]] as published by the Free Software; either version 1.3, or (at your option) any later version; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. ===== Reconnaissance ===== Most of this documentation was originally written by [[|Luke .R]].