Hyperbola and Sustainability

Within this article we want to give insights and a generic overview about Hyperbola's stance as project towards sustainability. But before we need for sure to define the word clear as what it is and also what is included.

Generic said sustainability is a social goal for people to co-exist on the planet Earth over a long time. Definitions of this term are disputed and have varied with literature, context, and time. Sustainability usually has three dimensions: environmental, economic, and social.

Hyperbola is using those three named dimensions already in many fields as for that matter we have also excluded packages and marked them as incompatible with our project-goals. As project we surely have interests on progression and technical enhancements. It would be a lie if we state the opposite. Nevertheless we do not see the solution to include even more software or not even question any included dependency. In fact we do the opposite: We try to exclude as much as possible or ask people to take over packaging, when they want named software included. Users are not only users within the perspective of Hyperbola: Everybody has the chance to be user, developer and also administrating person of the own systems running. We call this technical emancipation!

And this includes also to question always the so-called “status quo”, even on a daily base, to remove packages and software no longer following this way. Some may call this “exclusion”, we call this “inclusion to preserve a clear freedom for people”. The time for cheap and foul compromises is over in our perspective. As always you may see that different, but then Hyperbola is surely not the project and system to work with for you.

Hyperbola as project has as one major goal long-term oriented system-support with packages and included software optimized being most lightweight and oriented on minimalism.

Three dimensions of sustainability

We as project do not recognize parts of the current technological development as use- and helpful. Regarding of the perspective Hyperbola is going even further and define several projects as dangerous.

An important note about open data and information is that for Hyperbola direct private data is clearly not included. We appreciate the right to protect the own privacy. As some people nowadays seem not be able or willing to rethink and just take the point wrong, we need to define this here direct and clear. Also we do not recognize data and information open, when people or groups are clearly endangered.

In general said is Hyperbola not oriented on phrases defined by others and always give topics an own defined, closer look. If you see here issues, we are always open for constructive criticism and messages.