Hyperbola and anti-discrimination: All of Hyperbola community are to respect the ethics of freedom and free software and are required to show the deepest respect among themselves. Under no circumstances discriminate against people based on age, gender, sex, sexual orientation, disability, religion, social class, nationality, race, intelligence, or any analogous grounds. Hyperbola encourages freedom of speech always in combination with personal responsibility: Never think both are not combined. Our community is built on constructive discourse and netiquette. Ideologies and perspectives with roots in hatred, harassment and exclusion of groups or individuals based on before mentioned grounds are not welcome here. Please do not curse or use offensive language while debating within the Hyperbola community (all parts meant, including
IRC) and try to be inclusive towards others solving also conflicts most friendly and diplomatic (respect when others state open their own accepted restrictions and do not try to circumvent them). Generic it is to await that minor conflicts can be solved between the participants. But do not under any circumstances attack, bully, stalk, or harass any individual (the personal turn) or a certain group. Play the ball, not the man. Any disregard of any of these points will lead to moderation by
The Support Staff, including, but not limited to, temporary ban of the person(s) in question. Severe and repeat instances may lead to permanent ban if deemed necessary by
The Founders.