Table of Contents

Configuracion makepkg


$ sed -e 's|#PACKAGER="John Doe <>"|PACKAGER="Libre U. <user@email.domain>"|' -i /etc/makepkg.conf


$ sed -e 's|#GPGKEY=""|GPGKEY="user-id"|' -i /etc/makepkg.conf

Generar nuevas sumas

$ updpkgsums

Limpiar librechroot

$ doas librechroot clean-repo

Construir entornos:

$ doas librechroot -A x86_64 -n x86_64 make
$ doas librechroot -A i686 -n i686 make


$ doas librechroot -C /etc/pacman.conf -M /usr/share/pacman/defaults/makepkg.conf.i686 -n i686 make

Entrar a la Jaula

$ doas librechroot -n x86_64 enter
$ doas librechroot -n i686 enter


$ doas libremakepkg -n x86_64
$ doas libremakepkg -n i686

Actualizar jaula

$ doas librechroot update
$ doas librechroot -n i686 update

Habilitanado internet durante la compilación

$ doas libremakepkg -N

Subiendo paquete

$ librestage <grupo>

Escribir parche

$ git diff --no-prefix --no-index --no-renames --binary a b > parche.patch
<grupo> repo en donde poner el paquete ej. core, extra, community
$ librerelease

Example config doas

$ doas nano -w /etc/doas.conf
## doas configuration file.
## See the doas man page for the details on how to write a configuration file.
## Allow members of group wheel to execute any command
# permit :wheel
## Same thing without a password
permit nopass :wheel
## Allow tedu to run procmap as root without a password
#permit nopass tedu as root cmd /usr/sbin/procmap
Configuración chroot para Hyperbola v0.4

Cambiar repos

Primero copiar el archivo `pacman.conf`

$ wget -O /tmp/pacman.conf
$ doas librechroot -C /tmp/pacman.conf make

Cambiar mirrors

$ wget -O /tmp/mirrorlist
$ doas cp -av /tmp/mirrorlist /var/lib/archbuild/default/<your-user>/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

fijar los mirrors:

$ doas chattr +i /var/lib/archbuild/default/<your-user>/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

Comentar línea 83 de la jaula engendrada `/usr/lib/libretools/chroot/arch-nspawn`

$ doas sed -e 's|echo "Server = $host_mirror" >"$working_dir/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist"|#echo "Server = $host_mirror" >"$working_dir/etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist"|g' -i /usr/lib/libretools/chroot/arch-nspawn

Actualizar la jaula

$ doas librechroot update