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4 Hits, Last modified:
k Concerns ====== As free software users, we all enjoy using the latest and greatest in free software... tively small and (2) very clearly communicated to end-users. </code> Exactly the phrases **relatively small** and **very clearly communicated to end-users** are parts of the problems: They are vagu... .i2p rather than .onion sites** (also known as [[en:project:hidden_services|Tor Hidden Services]]).</
5 Hits, Last modified:
**eventually be deprecated**, according to our [[en:manual:contrib:hyperbola_roadmap|Roadmap]]. With release of version 0.4, the **end of support for D-Bus** was marked [[https://www....|over-engineered and orphaned]], ussually on critical syst... h prioritize privacy, security and freedom like [[en:start|Hyperbola]], it becomes **unecessary** and