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en:philosophy:logic_failures [2023/11/22 22:32]
en:philosophy:logic_failures [2024/04/08 03:54] (current)
throgh [Conclusion]
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 First of all we will use the idiom **freedom is not self-evident** as figurative meaning and expression also within this article. Therefore we want also to underline as others that free, libre software and culture is in a shape of crisis. We do not intend to get this mentioned idiom into misconception also. The conception of **freedom** as ultimate ratio for democratic participation and expression for every individual being is coming with a responsibility: Democracy and freedom are not some self-evident things, not coming also for everyone as "individual advantage". They are not responsible to make anything better individual, they are meant to be for everyone the same and we as global society have to work for so they can be kept for the future. Democracy and freedom are meant for making the whole social living better, meant to grant participation and rights for every being, not only for some or some advantages likewise people think. We have to work on and for it daily, inclusive as democrats and not as ignorant individuals! First of all we will use the idiom **freedom is not self-evident** as figurative meaning and expression also within this article. Therefore we want also to underline as others that free, libre software and culture is in a shape of crisis. We do not intend to get this mentioned idiom into misconception also. The conception of **freedom** as ultimate ratio for democratic participation and expression for every individual being is coming with a responsibility: Democracy and freedom are not some self-evident things, not coming also for everyone as "individual advantage". They are not responsible to make anything better individual, they are meant to be for everyone the same and we as global society have to work for so they can be kept for the future. Democracy and freedom are meant for making the whole social living better, meant to grant participation and rights for every being, not only for some or some advantages likewise people think. We have to work on and for it daily, inclusive as democrats and not as ignorant individuals!
 +**But what is this "freedom"?**
 +The wording is seen for every individual different, sidewise when reading this article. We refer to "freedom" most time with the **[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Free_Software_Definition#The_Four_Essential_Freedoms_of_Free_Software|four freedoms]]** defined for the "free, libre software"-movement.
 ===== About free, libre culture and software ===== ===== About free, libre culture and software =====
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 Nevertheless it is not fair to blame the founders of free, libre software for having their movement hijacked. They were facing difficult odds: The neoliberal consensus of the last few decades has meant that the benefits of technological development have largely flowed to corporations, under the aegis of a strong intellectual property regime. As the "free, libre software"-movement came up against these prevailing economic forces, its more contentious aspects were watered down or discarded. The result was “open source”, a more collaborative method of writing software that bore few traces of its subversive origins. This is a shame, because free, libre software had the potential to be so much more. The movement arose out of the desire to decommodify data, to contest the idea of treating information as "property" and asking direct the sense behind "intellectual property of digital data". Of course, the movement’s ability to fulfill this desire was hampered by a lack of political analysis and historical context. **We need to remember that everything is political, driven within a political, ideological context. Nothing is without!** Nevertheless it is not fair to blame the founders of free, libre software for having their movement hijacked. They were facing difficult odds: The neoliberal consensus of the last few decades has meant that the benefits of technological development have largely flowed to corporations, under the aegis of a strong intellectual property regime. As the "free, libre software"-movement came up against these prevailing economic forces, its more contentious aspects were watered down or discarded. The result was “open source”, a more collaborative method of writing software that bore few traces of its subversive origins. This is a shame, because free, libre software had the potential to be so much more. The movement arose out of the desire to decommodify data, to contest the idea of treating information as "property" and asking direct the sense behind "intellectual property of digital data". Of course, the movement’s ability to fulfill this desire was hampered by a lack of political analysis and historical context. **We need to remember that everything is political, driven within a political, ideological context. Nothing is without!**
-But that's one side of the even bigger picture: Free, libre software is also often further misued and mistreated as "ultimate errata for misguided data-usage". The solution against surveillance, may it be from states, from organizations, companies or others. That's also a wrong perspective same way as before for misguided and shortened argumentation for or against capitalism. The conclusion is always included within further buzzwords like VPN, cryptography, cryptocurrency and more. Those are no solutions, especially when talking about social issues, as those cannot be solved with technical progression and further tools. That only results in circumvention and generation of even more problems. Speaking of: We need to face the facts that social issues are most complex and not only possible to solve with more technical approaches.+But that's one side of the even bigger picture: Free, libre software is also often further misued and mistreated as "ultimate errata for misguided data-usage". The solution against surveillance, may it be from states, from organizations, companies or individuals. That's also a wrong perspective same way as before for misguided and shortened argumentation for or against capitalism. The conclusion is always included within further buzzwords like VPN, cryptography, cryptocurrency and more. Those are no solutions, especially when talking about social issues, as those cannot be solved with technical progression and further tools. That only results in circumvention and generation of even more problems. Speaking of: We need to face the facts that social issues are most complex and not only possible to solve with more technical approaches. Also a further danger for free, libre software is also the growing perspective of people to see everything as just some "joke" and the misusage grows within this as people with more technical knowledge only use it for empowering themself instead of empowering others. Leading in the end to even more fallacies as power comes sidewise also out of knowledge. Harassing people in a weaker position or make jokes out of them? But this is reality nowadays with participants pretending to be interested in free, libre software and just keep engaged people busy for another amusement.
 Hyperbola as project does not speak up against VPN or cryptography: In fact Hyperbola is based on the basic idea that everyone has a right of privacy and security. But we speak against their misusage as toolsets for paranoia. Critical thinking is always needed and critical questions same way. To state after all: Do we really want to have free, libre culture and software being that kind of misused? Social and economical that mistreated and misguided, so the once good meant intentions do not longer count? As society we need to come back to rational explanations: People make software for people, not for companies, not for corporations. The best protection is having the person in front of the computers having the possibility for emancipation and education, for science and not for some hearsay. Based on this we can also decline projects with a clear reasoning, not with something we have once read or heard somewhere alike. Hyperbola as project does not speak up against VPN or cryptography: In fact Hyperbola is based on the basic idea that everyone has a right of privacy and security. But we speak against their misusage as toolsets for paranoia. Critical thinking is always needed and critical questions same way. To state after all: Do we really want to have free, libre culture and software being that kind of misused? Social and economical that mistreated and misguided, so the once good meant intentions do not longer count? As society we need to come back to rational explanations: People make software for people, not for companies, not for corporations. The best protection is having the person in front of the computers having the possibility for emancipation and education, for science and not for some hearsay. Based on this we can also decline projects with a clear reasoning, not with something we have once read or heard somewhere alike.
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 It was not possible to oversee the whole outcome when the "free, libre software"-movement was started. Nevertheless we have to work now with different parameters, more strict and straight forward. Nevertheless always oriented on the freedom for all, the technical emancipation and education for the willing people. There is always need for a critical look on our engagement and a daily retrospective. It was not possible to oversee the whole outcome when the "free, libre software"-movement was started. Nevertheless we have to work now with different parameters, more strict and straight forward. Nevertheless always oriented on the freedom for all, the technical emancipation and education for the willing people. There is always need for a critical look on our engagement and a daily retrospective.
 +===== Conclusion =====
 +One essential question stays unsolved: Is the "free, libre software"-movement ready to be saved or can it save itself from being undermined? That's the point for this article. The following points are to be seen critical:
 +  * No historical and political analysis is leaving the movement let alone in unknown fields, so it is needed that the movement itself can order itself.
 +  * No strict handles are used, so projects and teams are left with questionable decisions for tools and further workflows, creating therefore dependencies for unethical, partwise complete non-free services.
 +  * No social responsibility is shown in the wide fields, as to remember that everything is political and every decision is same way. Freedom is important to be preserved but not worthwhile it is just seen alone as own freedom includes also the freedom of others.
 +  * No support from the community let the "free, libre software"-movement going down, very fast and harsh. Getting support from companies and corporations is the wrong way.
 +Possible solutions in the same order:
 +  * The "free, libre software"-movement is also a movement about social justice, about inclusion and the grant of democratic participation, for free data and information.
 +  * Strict definitions are working tools, principles and values are needed to keep questionable decisions out of sight. Debates and talks with clear results are helpful same as acknowledge non-free services and stop their inclusion around in projects.
 +  * Social responsibility is one common ground to grant freedom: Interaction is never deterministic but can be solved with the will for talks.
 +  * Support is needed and given on many ways, may it be critical points shared, additions for articles and / or documentations, lines of code, testing or many other things. Without support the "free, libre software"-movement is not possible to work and exist!
 +As long as misusage is going forward, named within this article, as long the "free, libre software"-movement will include those logical failures. Unable to solve them besides the cryout for "freedom" alone is not solving anything. Freedom is self-evident, when the personal freedom can be seen also in a wider context. It is a simple formula as the more people are able and willing to learn and educate, the more they can also take on other perspectives and find solutions with others around, the wider the perspective would get the more better the solutions can be. If we deny technical emancipation and await always from others solutions, we deny also a possible better outcome, reducing our complex social interaction only to deterministic information and algorithms defined by other instances.
 +We have also named "decentralization" within this article, most with a negative connotation. But this naming and its mechanism per definition can be used also positive: When we are ready to use it for real. Instead to focus sources and information at and on single platforms. We should not just copy failed systems and platforms as social interaction and communication is too complex for just some lines written or regulated throughout digital tools. Same when we are going to use the rulesets instead as community in opposite to focus that on just single individuals, names and persons. The opposite direction is to enable really every individual to be capable of doing something, just instead to have only some focus on names, platforms and projects. We do not need to build oversized and complex processing structures, we just need fitting toolsets with doing just one thing and doing that well enough. Bringing the real community back with the will to debate, to change and to work with each other, just to learn peacefully and with democratic participation. Leaving the rest behind, yes, sometimes even strict and harsh as ideologies and perspectives with roots in hatred, harassment and exclusion of groups or individuals have no place in a democracy. **Empowering ourselves to empower others, with the will of those again to carry on!**