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pt:manual:deblob_a_kernel_patch [2020/04/26 05:59]
i3_relativism Criação deste novo documento.
pt:manual:deblob_a_kernel_patch [2024/11/04 22:18] (current)
luck02 [How to use deblob-check to deblob kernel patches?]
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-====== How to deblob a kernel patch ======+====== Como deblobar um patch do kernel ======
 Sometimes, there are drivers aren't available from official Linux kernels such as specific drivers and device trees for ARM architecture adapted for certain SoCs, however a lot of them contains nonfree drivers or blobs, then is needed deblob them to protect your freedom. Sometimes, there are drivers aren't available from official Linux kernels such as specific drivers and device trees for ARM architecture adapted for certain SoCs, however a lot of them contains nonfree drivers or blobs, then is needed deblob them to protect your freedom.
-===== What is a blob? =====+===== O que é um bloco? =====
 A **Blob** is a piece of object code distributed without source, usually firmware to run some device. That firmware is distributed only in object code form, under a nonfree license.  A **Blob** is a piece of object code distributed without source, usually firmware to run some device. That firmware is distributed only in object code form, under a nonfree license. 
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-In this case, you should check if those references were deblobbed in deblob-x.y of the kernel version that you are using. You can get it at the [[http://www.fsfla.org/svn/fsfla/software/linux-libre/scripts/|Linux-libre scripts page]] (eg. [[http://www.fsfla.org/svn/fsfla/software/linux-libre/scripts/deblob-4.9|4.9-gnu]]).+In this case, you should check if those references were deblobbed in deblob-x.y of the kernel version that you are using. You can get it at the [[http://www.fsfla.org/svn/fsfla/software/linux-libre/scripts/|Linux-libre scripts page]] (eg. [[http://www.fsfla.org/svn/fsfla/software/linux-libre/scripts/deblob-6.9|6.9-gnu]]).
 If those references aren't available in Linux-libre source yet, then you should check if those references aren't false positives. If the first reference (eg. request_firmware_direct) is requesting a blob, then you should rename **request_firmware_direct** to **reject_firmware_direct** and if the second one (wl18xx-conf.bin) is a blob, you must replace it with ** /*(DEBLOBBED)*/ **, eg: If those references aren't available in Linux-libre source yet, then you should check if those references aren't false positives. If the first reference (eg. request_firmware_direct) is requesting a blob, then you should rename **request_firmware_direct** to **reject_firmware_direct** and if the second one (wl18xx-conf.bin) is a blob, you must replace it with ** /*(DEBLOBBED)*/ **, eg: