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pt:manual:installation [2025/02/26 16:23]
luck02 [Keyboard layout]
pt:manual:installation [2025/02/26 16:25] (current)
luck02 [Partition disks]
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 Once <color #620BB9/#EEDDFF>brltty</color> is running, you may wish to disable speech.  You can do so via the "<color #620BB9/#EEDDFF>print screen</color>" key, also known as <color #620BB9/#EEDDFF>sysrq</color> On my qwerty keyboard, that key is located directly above the insert key, between F12 and scroll lock. Once <color #620BB9/#EEDDFF>brltty</color> is running, you may wish to disable speech.  You can do so via the "<color #620BB9/#EEDDFF>print screen</color>" key, also known as <color #620BB9/#EEDDFF>sysrq</color> On my qwerty keyboard, that key is located directly above the insert key, between F12 and scroll lock.
-==== Partition disks ====+==== Partição dos Discos ====
 See [[https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Partitioning|partitioning]] for details. See [[https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Partitioning|partitioning]] for details.