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pt:project:donations [2020/04/29 20:29]
i3_relativism [Transferencias de Criptomoedas]
pt:project:donations [2025/02/15 14:51] (current)
luck02 [Liberapay]
Line 1: Line 1:
-... (WIP)+====== Sobre as doações ====== 
 +Hyperbola é um projeto comunitário financiado por doaçõesTodo o software em Hyperbola é [[https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.pt-br.html|livre]] e gratis, então o projeto depende da comunidade para se sustentar. Você pode facilmente ajudar fazendo uma doação.
-====== Doacoes ====== +Gastaremos os fundos em desenvolvimento, servidores, hardware, contas (por exemplo, eletricidade, internet), etcÉ nosso objetivo receber fundos suficientes para sustentar a principal equipe de desenvolvimento, portanto, no futuropoderão trabalhar em tempo integral no projeto.
-====== Acerca ====== +
-Hyperbola e um projeto impulsionado por doacoes por parte da comunidadeTodo o software no projeto Hyperbola e tanto [[https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.pt-br.html|livre]] como gratisentao o projeto depende da comunidade para se sustenter. Podera facilmente ajudar, fazendo uma doacao.+
-Iremos despender esses mesmos fundos, em desenvolvimento, servidores, hardware, contas (ex. eletrecidade, internet) e comida. E o nosso objetivo receber fundos suficientes, para suster a equipe central de desenvolvimento, para que no futuro, estes conseguirao trabalhar a tempo inteiro no projeto. +===== Métodos de pagamento: =====
-<note>Se fizer um deposito na conta do projeto Hyperbola, pode [[donate@hyperbola.info|contatar-nos]] e iremos manualmente adicionar a sua doacao a lista.</note> +==== Transferências de criptomoeda ====
-===== Métodos de Pagamento: ===== +
- +
-==== Transferencias de Criptomoedas ====+
 {| border="1" style="sortable; text-align: center; border-collapse:collapse; color:#262627; background-color:#f8f9fa;" {| border="1" style="sortable; text-align: center; border-collapse:collapse; color:#262627; background-color:#f8f9fa;"
 ! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | ! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |Addresso +! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |Endereço 
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |QRcode +! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |Código QR
-|- +
-| {{:ethereum_logo.png?200|}} +
-|0xBfC8676dD56efDea1CCB46a40A3C2d384dB79014 +
 |- |-
 | {{:bitcoin_logo.png?200|}} | {{:bitcoin_logo.png?200|}}
Line 26: Line 18:
 |} |}
-==== Transferências Bancárias =====+==== Transferências bancárias =====
 {| border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse; text-align: center; color:#262627; background-color:#f8f9fa;" {| border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse; text-align: center; color:#262627; background-color:#f8f9fa;"
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0"  colspan="2" |Informacao Bancárias +! style="background-color:#eaecf0"  colspan="2" |Informação bancária 
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | Titular de conta:+|- 
 +! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | Titular da conta:
 ! André Fabian Silva Delgado ! André Fabian Silva Delgado
 |- |-
Line 42: Line 35:
 ! SIC087812 ! SIC087812
 |- |-
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | SWIFT BIC Code:+! style="background-color:#eaecf0"Código SWIFT BIC
 |- |-
Line 51: Line 44:
 ! 91-959544-0 ! 91-959544-0
 |- |-
-! colspan="2" style="background-color:#eaecf0" |morada balcao bancario+! colspan="2" style="background-color:#eaecf0" |Informações do endereço do banco
 |- |-
 ! colspan="2" align="center" style="text-align: left" | ! colspan="2" align="center" style="text-align: left" |
Line 63: Line 56:
 ! CH-1196 Gland ! CH-1196 Gland
 |- |-
 |} |}
 |} |}
-<note important>O nosso banco **só aceita** transferências bancarias em **Francos Suissos (CHF)**, **Euros (EUR)**, **Pound sterling (GBP)** e **dolares Americanos (USD)**.</note>+<note important>Nossa conta bancária **aceita apenas** transferências bancárias em **Franco Suíço (CHF)**, **Euros (EUR)**, **Libra Esterlina (GBP)** e **Dólares Americanos (USD)**.</note>
-<note important>A mensagem de transferência bancaria tem de incluir **Hyperbola**, de outro modo tal doação não sera dedicada ao projeto Hyperbola. Para mais questões, [[donate@hyperbola.info | contate-nos]] para qualquer dúvida.</note>+<note important>A mensagem de transferência bancária tem que incluir **Hyperbola**, caso contrário, não será uma doação dedicada Hyperbola. Para dúvidascomo informações adicionais do titular da conta (por exemplo, endereço residencial, correio elêtronico, etc), não hesite em nos [[donate@hyperbola.info | contatar]].</note>
-<note important>Se desejar permanecer anonimo na nossa secção **Obrigado!**, por favor site **anon** or **anonymous** na mensagem da transferência bancaria. Mas não se esqueça **Hyperbola**!</note>+==== Liberapay ====
-==== PayPal =====+Para os usuários que querem fazer doações recorrentes em uma plataforma, onde é projetado para fornecer uma renda básica de financiamento coletivo estável a Hyperbola, você pode doar clicando no botão abaixo:
-For users who are limited to use PayPal or credit/debit cards as option to make donations (egUS native/resident users), you may donate clicking the button below:+[[https://liberapay.com/Hyperbola/donate|{{:liberapay-donate-button.png?200|}}]]
-[[https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=6VUAPRJ7LYHUE&source=url|{{:paypal_logo.png?200|}}]]+<note warning>**Liberapay viola a privacidade do usuário**, use isso por sua conta em risco.</note>
-<note important>The PayPal transfer message has to include **Hyperbola**, otherwise it won't be a donation dedicated to Hyperbola. For questions, [[donate@hyperbola.info | contact]] with us for any doubt.</note>+==== Wise (antiga TransferWise) =====
-<note important>If you want to remain anonymous in our **Thanks!** sectionplease put **anon** or **anonymous** in the PayPal transfer messageBut don't forget **Hyperbola**!</note>+Para os usuários que estão limitados a usar [[https://wise.com/upto8xcheaper | transferências baratas]] com uma transferência bancáriaou um cartão de crédito/débito como opção para fazer doações (por exemplo, os usuários nativos/residentes dos EUA), você pode doar usando [[https://wise.com| Wise]] [[https://wise.com/gb/blog/world-meet-wise| (antiga TransferWise)]], para nossa conta bancária abaixo:
-<note warning>**PayPal violates user privacy**, use this at your own risk.</note> +{| border="1" style="border-collapse:collapse; text-align: center; color:#262627; background-color:#f8f9fa;" 
- +! style="background-color:#eaecf0"  colspan="2" |Informação bancária
-===== Obrigado! ===== +
-Esta e uma lista dos nossos generosos doadores :)  +
- +
-==== Doações monetárias ==== +
- +
-{| border="1" style="sortable; text-align: center; width: 100%; border-collapse:collapse; color:#262627; background-color:#f8f9fa;" +
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |Data +
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |Doador +
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |Moeda +
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |Montante+
 |- |-
-| 2020-03-26 +! style="background-color:#eaecf0" Titular da conta: 
-Emily Windes +! André Fabian Silva Delgado
-| USD +
-| 4.43+
 |- |-
-| 2020-03-25 +! style="background-color:#eaecf0" IBAN: 
-Jason Gmiterek +! CH3808781000094207500
-| USD +
-| 3.48+
 |- |-
-| 2020-02-11 +! style="background-color:#eaecf0" Clearing: 
-Achim Sohnlein +! 08781
-| EUR +
-| 100+
 |- |-
-| 2020-01-31 +! style="background-color:#eaecf0" EuroSIC: 
-anon +! SIC087812
-| EUR +
-| 50+
 |- |-
-| 2020-01-24 +! style="background-color:#eaecf0" Código SWIFT BIC 
-zapper +! SWQBCHZZXXX
-| EUR +
-| 100+
 |- |-
-2020-01-03 +! style="background-color:#eaecf0" CCP CHF: 
-| Tobias Dausend +! 87-112233-4
-| EUR +
-| 50+
 |- |-
-| 2019-12-16 +! style="background-color:#eaecf0" CCP EUR: 
-| Tobias Dausend +! 91-959544-0
-| EUR +
-| 100+
 |- |-
-| 2019-12-06 +! colspan="2" style="background-color:#eaecf0" |Informações do endereço do banco
-| zapper +
-| EUR +
 |- |-
-| 2019-08-16 +! colspan="2" align="center" style="text-align: left" 
-Tobias Dausend +{border="0" 
-EUR +! Swissquote Bank Ltd
-| 100+
 |- |-
-| 2019-04-21 +! Central Data
-| anon +
-| BTC +
-| 0.01+
 |- |-
-| 2018-12-15 +! Chemin de la Crétaux 33
-| aloniv +
-| BTC +
-| 0.0064+
 |- |-
-| 2018-11-07 +! CH-1196 Gland
-| zapper +
-| EUR +
-| 12.21+
 |- |-
-| 2018-11-07 +Suíça 
-| zapper +|}
-| EUR +
-| 3.49 +
-|- +
-| 2018-10-16 +
-| [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/founders/#Gaming4JC | Gaming4JC]] +
-| CHF +
-| 169.14 +
-|- +
-| 2018-08-02 +
-| [[https://liberapay.com/Hyperbola | Donations from Liberapay]] +
-| EUR +
-| 11.09 +
-|- +
-| 2018-08-02 +
-| [[https://liberapay.com/Hyperbola | Donations from Liberapay]] +
-| EUR +
-| 8.59 +
-|- +
-| 2018-07-30 +
-| [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/support-staff/#belette | belette]] +
-| EUR +
-| 50 +
-|- +
-| 2018-07-16 +
-| [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/founders/#catira | catira]] and [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/founders/#Jorginho | Jorginho]] +
-| CHF +
-| 59.47 +
-|- +
-| 2018-07-11 +
-| [[https://liberapay.com/Hyperbola | Donations from Liberapay]] +
-| EUR +
-| 28.75 +
-|- +
-| 2018-07-11 +
-| [[https://liberapay.com/Hyperbola | Donations from Liberapay]] +
-| EUR +
-| 31.68 +
-|- +
-| 2018-06-19 +
-| [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/founders/#catira | Catira]] +
-| CHF +
-| 23.42 +
-|- +
-| 2018-03-22 +
-| [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/founders/#coadde | coadde]], [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/founders/#Emulatorman | Emulatorman]] and [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/founders/#Jorginho | Jorginho]] +
-| CHF +
-| 107.71 +
-|- +
-| 2018-03-10 +
-| [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/support-staff/#belette | belette]] +
-| ETH +
-| 0.2 +
-|- +
-| 2017-10-31 +
-| [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/support-staff/#anon_nor | anon_nor]] +
-| CHF +
-| 232.32 +
-|- +
-| 2017-10-05 +
-| [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/founders/#Emulatorman | Emulatorman]] +
-| CHF +
-| 306.85 +
-|- +
-| 2017-09-18 +
-| [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/support-staff/#belette | belette]] +
-| BTC +
-| 0.0147 +
-|- +
-| 2017-07-26 +
-| [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/support-staff/#anon_nor | anon_nor]] +
-| CHF +
-| 118.42 +
-|- +
-| 2017-07-14 +
-| [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/founders/#catira | Catira]] +
-| CHF +
-| 56.24 +
-|- +
-rowspan="7" colspan="2" style="background-color:#eaecf0" | Subtotal +
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | ETH +
-! 0.2 +
-|- +
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | BTC +
-! 0.0311 +
-|- +
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | CHF +
-! 1073.57 +
-|- +
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | EUR +
-! 665.81 +
-|- +
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | GBP +
-! 0 +
-|- +
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | USD +
-! 7.91+
 |} |}
-==== Non-monetary donations ====+<note important>Nossa conta bancária **aceita apenas** transferências bancárias em **Franco Suíço (CHF)**, **Euros (EUR)**, **Libra Esterlina (GBP)** e **Dólares Americanos (USD)**.</note>
-{| border="1" style="sortable; text-align: center; width: 100%; border-collapse:collapse; color:#262627; background-color:#f8f9fa;" +<note important>A mensagem de transferência bancária tem que incluir **Hyperbola**caso contrárionão será uma doação dedicada a Hyperbola. Para dúvidascomo informações adicionais do titular da conta (por exemploendereço residencialcorreio elêtronicoetc)não hesite em nos [[donate@hyperbola.info | contatar]].</note>
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |Date +
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |Donor +
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |Item +
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |Quantity +
-|- +
-| 2018-10-26 +
-| [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/founders/#coadde | coadde]] and [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/founders/#Emulatorman | Emulatorman]] +
-| DNS/Email: hyperbola.info + standard mailbox +
-| 2 years (EUR 33.54) +
-|- +
-| 2018-10-15 +
-| [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/founders/#Gaming4JC | Gaming4JC]] +
-| VPS: Storage-Special +
-| 1 year (EUR 40.33) +
-|- +
-| 2018-10-15 +
-| [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/founders/#Gaming4JC | Gaming4JC]] +
-| VPS: UltraKVM-50 +
-| 3 months (EUR 15.13) +
-|- +
-| 2017-11-20 +
-| [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/founders/#coadde | coadde]] +
-| Microship SST49LF080A-33-4C-NHE memoryflash8Mbitserial, PLCC-32 and Uxcell adjustment PLCC IC chip component removal extractor tool shipping +
-| 1 (USD 13.5) +
-|- +
-| 2017-10-29 +
-| [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/founders/#Jorginho | Jorginho]] +
-| Uxcell adjustment PLCC IC chip component removal extractor tool +
-| 1 +
-|- +
-| 2017-10-29 +
-| [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/founders/#Jorginho | Jorginho]] +
-| Microship SST49LF080A-33-4C-NHE memoryflash8MbitserialPLCC-32 +
-| 1 +
-|- +
-| 2017-10-27 +
-[[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/founders/#Gaming4JC Gaming4JC]] +
-| [[https://www.hyperbola.info/news/hyperbola-receives-a-build-server-donation/ | Build server]] +
-| 1 +
-|- +
-| 2017-05-07 +
-| [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/founders/#Jorginho | Jorginho]] +
-| VPS: 1 pack of 150,000 credits +
-| 1 (EUR 12.75) +
-|- +
-| 2017-05-01 +
-| [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/founders/#Jorginho | Jorginho]] +
-| Email: Mail quota (1 GiB) (hyperbola.info) +
-| 1 year + registration (EUR 11.79) +
-|- +
-| 2017-04-19 +
-| [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/founders/#coadde | coadde]] and [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/founders/#Emulatorman | Emulatorman]] +
-| DNS: hyperbola.info +
-| 1 year + registration (EUR 7) +
-|- +
-| 2017-04-19 +
-| [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/founders/#coadde | coadde]] and [[https://www.hyperbola.info/members/founders/#Emulatorman | Emulatorman]] +
-| VPS: 1 pack of 2,000,000 credits +
-| 1 (EUR 140) +
-===== Expenses & Transactions =====+<note warning>**TransfeWise viola a privacidade do usuário**, use isso por sua conta e risco.</note>
-{| border="1" style="sortable; text-align: center; width: 100%; border-collapse:collapse; color:#262627; background-color:#f8f9fa;" +==== PayPal =====
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |Date +
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |Description +
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |Currency +
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |Amount +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-31 +
-| Prepaid card transaction for food purchases +
-| CHF +
-| -16.94 +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-31 +
-| Balance to date in ETH +
-| ETH +
-| 0.2 +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-31 +
-| Balance to date in BTC +
-| BTC +
-| 0.02427016 +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-31 +
-| Balance to date in CHF +
-| CHF +
-| 141.31 +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-31 +
-| Balance to date in EUR +
-| EUR +
-| 432.48 +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-31 +
-| Balance to data in USD +
-| USD +
-| 7.91 +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-31 +
-| Prepaid card balance to data +
-| CHF +
-| 28.15 +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-30 +
-| Prepaid card transaction for food purchases +
-| CHF +
-| -10 +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-30 +
-| Prepaid card transaction for food purchases +
-| CHF +
-| -4.12 +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-30 +
-| Prepaid card transaction for food purchases +
-| CHF +
-| -7.73 +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-30 +
-| Balance to date in ETH +
-| ETH +
-| 0.2 +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-30 +
-| Balance to date in BTC +
-| BTC +
-| 0.02427016 +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-30 +
-| Balance to date in CHF +
-| CHF +
-| 141.31 +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-30 +
-| Balance to date in EUR +
-| EUR +
-| 432.48 +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-30 +
-| Balance to data in USD +
-| USD +
-| 7.91 +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-30 +
-| Prepaid card balance to data +
-| CHF +
-| 50 +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-23 +
-| Prepaid card order with delivery abroad +
-| CHF +
-| -50 +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-23 +
-| Prepaid card commission +
-| CHF +
-| -5 +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-23 +
-| Prepaid card loading +
-| CHF +
-| 100 +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-23 +
-| Withdrawal for prepaid card loading +
-| CHF +
-| -105 +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-23 +
-| Balance to date in ETH +
-| ETH +
-| 0.2 +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-23 +
-| Balance to date in BTC +
-| BTC +
-| 0.02427016 +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-23 +
-| Balance to date in CHF +
-| CHF +
-| 141.31 +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-23 +
-| Balance to date in EUR +
-| EUR +
-| 432.48 +
-|- +
-| 2019-12-17 +
-| Fees for withdrawal +
-| EUR +
-| -2 +
-|- +
-| 2019-12-17 +
-| Withdrawal for 1 year of UltraKVM-50 +
-| EUR +
-| -60.48 +
-|- +
-| 2019-12-17 +
-| Balance to date in ETH +
-| ETH +
-| 0.2 +
-|- +
-| 2019-12-17 +
-| Balance to date in BTC +
-| BTC +
-| 0.02427016 +
-|- +
-| 2019-12-17 +
-| Balance to date in CHF +
-| CHF +
-| 141.31 +
-|- +
-| 2019-12-17 +
-| Balance to date in EUR +
-| EUR +
-| 194.96 +
-|- +
-| 2019-09-16 +
-| Fees for withdrawal +
-| EUR +
-| -2 +
-|- +
-| 2019-09-16 +
-| Withdrawal for 1 year of Storage-Special +
-| EUR +
-| -38.74 +
-|- +
-| 2019-09-16 +
-| Balance to date in ETH +
-| ETH +
-| 0.2 +
-|- +
-| 2019-09-16 +
-| Balance to date in BTC +
-| BTC +
-| 0.02427016 +
-|- +
-| 2019-09-16 +
-| Balance to date in CHF +
-| CHF +
-| 141.31 +
-|- +
-| 2019-09-16 +
-| Balance to date in EUR +
-| EUR +
-| 115.7 +
-|- +
-| 2019-08-21 +
-| Fees for withdrawal +
-| BTC +
-| -0.0000849 +
-|- +
-| 2019-08-21 +
-| Withdrawal for 1984hosting's FreeDNS support +
-| BTC +
-| -0.00522655 +
-|- +
-| 2019-08-21 +
-| Balance to date in ETH +
-| ETH +
-| 0.2 +
-|- +
-| 2019-08-21 +
-| Balance to date in BTC +
-| BTC +
-| 0.02958161 +
-|- +
-| 2019-08-21 +
-| Balance to date in CHF +
-| CHF +
-| 141.31 +
-|- +
-| 2019-08-21 +
-| Balance to date in EUR +
-| EUR +
-| 115.7 +
-|- +
-| 2019-08-12 +
-| Fees for withdrawal +
-| BTC +
-| -0.00010972 +
-|- +
-| 2019-08-12 +
-| Withdrawal for hyperbola.info transfer from Gandi to 1984hosting +
-| BTC +
-| -0.00140867 +
-|- +
-| 2019-08-12 +
-| Balance to date in ETH +
-| ETH +
-| 0.2 +
-|- +
-| 2019-08-12 +
-| Balance to date in BTC +
-| BTC +
-| 0.0311 +
-|- +
-| 2019-08-12 +
-| Balance to date in CHF +
-| CHF +
-| 141.31 +
-|- +
-| 2019-08-12 +
-| Balance to date in EUR +
-| EUR +
-| 15.7 +
-|- +
-| 2018-12-17 +
-| Fees for withdrawal and conversion to EUR +
-| CHF +
-| -2.27 +
-|- +
-| 2018-12-17 +
-| Withdrawal for 1 year of UltraKVM-50 (conversion to EUR 58.21) +
-| CHF +
-| -66.1 +
-|- +
-| 2018-12-15 +
-| Balance to date in ETH +
-| ETH +
-| 0.2 +
-|- +
-| 2018-12-15 +
-| Balance to date in BTC +
-| BTC +
-| 0.0211 +
-|- +
-| 2018-12-15 +
-| Balance to date in CHF +
-| CHF +
-| 209.68 +
-|- +
-| 2018-12-15 +
-| Balance to date in EUR +
-| EUR +
-| 15.7 +
-|- +
-| 2018-08-31 +
-| Fees for withdrawal and conversion to EUR +
-| CHF +
-| -2.28 +
-|- +
-| 2018-08-31 +
-| Withdrawal for 2 AMD silent coolers shipping expenses and fees (conversion to EUR 30.77) +
-| CHF +
-| -35 +
-|- +
-| 2018-08-30 +
-| Forex credit (conversion from EUR to CHF) +
-| CHF +
-| 35.89 +
-|- +
-| 2018-08-30 +
-| Forex debit (conversion from EUR to CHF) +
-| EUR +
-| -31.9 +
-|- +
-| 2018-08-30 +
-| Balance to date in ETH +
-| ETH +
-| 0.2 +
-|- +
-| 2018-08-30 +
-| Balance to date in BTC +
-| BTC +
-| 0.0147 +
-|- +
-| 2018-08-30 +
-| Balance to date in CHF +
-| CHF +
-| 41.93 +
-|- +
-| 2018-08-30 +
-| Balance to date in EUR +
-| EUR +
-| 31.9 +
-|- +
-| 2018-08-10 +
-| Fees for withdrawal +
-| EUR +
-| -2 +
-|- +
-| 2018-08-10 +
-| Withdrawal for 2 AMD silent coolers for build server +
-| EUR +
-| -35.78 +
-|- +
-| 2018-08-10 +
-| Balance to date in ETH +
-| ETH +
-| 0.2 +
-|- +
-| 2018-08-10 +
-| Balance to date in BTC +
-| BTC +
-| 0.0147 +
-|- +
-| 2018-08-10 +
-| Balance to date in CHF +
-| CHF +
-| 41.93 +
-|- +
-| 2018-08-10 +
-| Balance to date in EUR +
-| EUR +
-| 69.68 +
-|- +
-| 2018-07-18 +
-| Fees for withdrawal and conversion to EUR +
-| CHF +
-| -2.35 +
-|- +
-| 2018-07-18 +
-| Withdrawal for 1 pack of 2,000,000 credits for VPS (conversion to EUR 120) +
-| CHF +
-| -140.85 +
-|- +
-| 2018-07-18 +
-| Balance to date in ETH +
-| ETH +
-| 0.2 +
-|- +
-| 2018-07-18 +
-| Balance to date in BTC +
-| BTC +
-| 0.0147 +
-|- +
-| 2018-07-18 +
-| Balance to date in CHF +
-| CHF +
-| 185.13 +
-|- +
-| 2018-07-17 +
-| Forex credit (conversion from EUR to CHF) +
-| CHF +
-| 70.1 +
-|- +
-| 2018-07-17 +
-| Forex debit (conversion from EUR to CHF) +
-| EUR +
-| -60.43 +
-|- +
-| 2018-07-17 +
-| Balance to date in ETH +
-| ETH +
-| 0.2 +
-|- +
-| 2018-07-17 +
-| Balance to date in BTC +
-| BTC +
-| 0.0147 +
-|- +
-| 2018-07-17 +
-| Balance to date in CHF +
-| CHF +
-| 115.03 +
-|- +
-| 2018-07-17 +
-| Balance to date in EUR +
-| EUR +
-| 60.43 +
-|- +
-| 2018-03-23 +
-| Fees for withdrawal and conversion to EUR +
-| CHF +
-| -2.35 +
-|- +
-| 2018-03-23 +
-| Withdrawal for 1 pack of 2,000,000 credits for VPS (conversion to EUR 120) +
-| CHF +
-| -140.8 +
-|- +
-| 2018-03-23 +
-| Balance to date in ETH +
-| ETH +
-| 0.2 +
-|- +
-| 2018-03-23 +
-| Balance to date in BTC +
-| BTC +
-| 0.0147 +
-|- +
-| 2018-03-23 +
-| Balance to date in CHF +
-| CHF +
-| 175.29 +
-|- +
-| 2018-03-15 +
-| Fees for withdrawal and conversion to EUR +
-| CHF +
-| -2.35 +
-|- +
-| 2018-03-15 +
-| Withdrawal for 1 year of Mail quota (1 GiB) registration for email (conversion to EUR 6.07) +
-| CHF +
-| -7.15 +
-|- +
-| 2018-03-15 +
-| Balance to date in ETH +
-| ETH +
-| 0.2 +
-|- +
-| 2018-03-15 +
-| Balance to date in BTC +
-| BTC +
-| 0.0147 +
-|- +
-| 2018-03-15 +
-| Balance to date in CHF +
-| CHF +
-| 77.08 +
-|- +
-| 2018-03-12 +
-| Fees for withdrawal and conversion to EUR +
-| CHF +
-| -2.36 +
-|- +
-| 2018-03-12 +
-| Withdrawal for 1 year of hyperbola.info registration for DNS (conversion to EUR 9.6) +
-| CHF +
-| -11.3 +
-|- +
-| 2018-03-12 +
-| Balance to date in ETH +
-| ETH +
-| 0.2 +
-|- +
-| 2018-03-12 +
-| Balance to date in BTC +
-| BTC +
-| 0.0147 +
-|- +
-| 2018-03-12 +
-| Balance to date in CHF +
-| CHF +
-| 90.74 +
-|- +
-| 2017-11-09 +
-| Fees for withdrawal and conversion to EUR +
-| CHF +
-| -2.33 +
-|- +
-| 2017-11-09 +
-| Withdrawal for 1 pack of 2,000,000 credits for VPS (conversion to EUR 120) +
-| CHF +
-| -139.9 +
-|- +
-| 2017-11-09 +
-| Balance to date in BTC +
-| BTC +
-| 0.0147 +
-|- +
-| 2017-11-09 +
-| Balance to date in CHF +
-| CHF +
-| 232.97 +
-|- +
-| 2017-10-12 +
-| Fees for withdrawal and conversion to EUR +
-| CHF +
-| -2.32 +
-|- +
-| 2017-10-12 +
-| Withdrawal for build server shipping expenses and fees (conversion to EUR 275) +
-| CHF +
-| -319.5 +
-|- +
-| 2017-10-12 +
-| Balance to date in BTC +
-| BTC +
-| 0.0147 +
-|- +
-| 2017-10-12 +
-| Balance to date in CHF +
-| CHF +
-| 322.47 +
-|- +
-| 2017-07-26 +
-| Fees for withdrawal and conversion to EUR +
-| CHF +
-| -2.24 +
-|- +
-| 2017-07-26 +
-| Withdrawal for 1 pack of 2,000,000 credits for VPS (conversion to EUR 140) +
-| CHF +
-| -156.8 +
-|- +
-| 2017-07-26 +
-| Balance to date in CHF +
-| CHF +
-| 174.66 +
-|- +
-! rowspan="7" colspan="2" style="background-color:#eaecf0" | Balance +
-|- +
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | ETH +
-! 0.2 +
-|- +
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | BTC +
-! 0.02427016 (0.0311-0.00682984) +
-|- +
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | CHF +
-! 36.31 (1179.56 - 1143.25) +
-|- +
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | EUR +
-! 432.48 (665.81 - 233.33) +
-|- +
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | GBP +
-! 0 +
-|- +
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | USD +
-! 7.91 +
-|- +
-! rowspan="2" colspan="2" style="background-color:#eaecf0" | Prepaid card balance +
-|- +
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" | CHF +
-! 11.21 (105-93.79) +
-===== BillsReceipts & Tickets =====+Para usuários que se limitam a usar o PayPal ou um cartão de crédito/débito como opção para fazer doações (por exemploos usuários nativos/residentes dos EUA), você pode doar clicando no botão abaixo:
-{| border="1" style="sortable; text-aligncenter; width: 100%; border-collapse:collapse; color:#262627; background-color:#f8f9fa;" +[[https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=6VUAPRJ7LYHUE&source=url|{{:paypal_logo.png?200|}}]] 
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |Date + 
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |Description +<note important>A mensagem de transferência da PayPal tem que incluir **Hyperbola**caso contrárionão será uma doação dedicada a HyperbolaPara dúvidasnão hesite em nos [[donate@hyperbola.info | contatar]].</note> 
-! style="background-color:#eaecf0" |Bills/Receipt/Ticket + 
-|- +<note warning>**PayPal viola a privacidade do usuário**use isso por sua conta e risco.</note>
-| 2020-03-31 +
-| Food: transaction notification +
-| {{:elgranero_20200331_1.png?75|}} +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-31 +
-| Food: transaction notification +
-| {{:elgranero_20200331_0.png?125|}} +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-31 +
-| Prepaid card: transaction notification +
-| {{:prepaid_card_20200331.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-30 +
-| Food: transaction notification +
-| {{:mis_nietitas_20200330.png?75|}} +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-30 +
-| Prepaid card: transaction notification +
-| {{:prepaid_card_20200330_2.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-30 +
-| Food: transaction notification +
-| {{:bocatta_20200330.png?75|}} +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-30 +
-| Prepaid card: transaction notification +
-| {{:prepaid_card_20200330_1.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-30 +
-| Food: transaction notification +
-| {{:tata_20200330.png?75|}} +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-30 +
-| Prepaid card: transaction notification +
-| {{:prepaid_card_20200330_0.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-26 +
-| Donation: transaction notification +
-| {{:paypal_20200326.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-25 +
-| Donation: transaction notification +
-| {{:paypal_20200325.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-23 +
-| Prepaid card: transaction notification +
-| {{:prepaid_card_20200323_1.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-23 +
-| Prepaid card: transaction notification +
-| {{:prepaid_card_20200323_0.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2020-03-23 +
-| Withdrawal: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_notice_942075_20200323.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2020-02-11 +
-| Donation: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_942075_20200211.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2020-01-31 +
-| Donation: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_942075_20200131.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2020-01-24 +
-| Donation: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_942075_20200124.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2020-01-03 +
-| Donation: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_942075_20200103.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2019-12-17 +
-| Withdrawal: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_942075_20191217.png:?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2019-12-15 +
-| VPS: UltraKVM-50 (1 year) +
-| {{:ultravps_invoice_20191215.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2019-12-16 +
-| Donation: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_942075_20191216.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2019-12-06 +
-| Donation: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_942075_20191206.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2019-09-16 +
-| Withdrawal: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_176219879_16-09-2019.png:?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2019-09-16 +
-| VPS: Storage-Special (1 year) +
-| {{:ultravps_invoice_20190915.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2019-08-21 +
-| Withdrawal: transaction notification +
-| {{:qrcode_201908211252_1.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2019-08-21 +
-| DNS: 1984hosting's FreeDNS support +
-|{{:1984hosting_invoice_20190821.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2019-08-16 +
-| Donation: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_174581422_16-08-2019.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2019-08-12 +
-| Withdrawal: transaction notification +
-| {{:qrcode_201908120827_1.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2019-08-12 +
-| DNS: transfer from Gandi to 1984hosting (hyperbola.info) +
-|{{:1984hosting_invoice_20190812.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2019-04-21 +
-| Donation: transaction notification +
-| {{:qrcode_201904211748_1.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-12-17 +
-| Withdrawal: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_158797311_17-12-2018.png:?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-12-15 +
-| VPS: UltraKVM-50 (1 year) +
-| {{:ultravps_invoice_20181215.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-12-15 +
-| Donation: transaction notification +
-| {{:qrcode_201812151616_1.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-11-07 +
-| Donation: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_156334807_07-11-2018.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-11-07 +
-| Donation: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_156334804_07-11-2018.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-10-26 +
-| DNS/Email: hyperbola.info + standard mailbox (2 years) +
-| {{:gandi_invoice_2018102600494.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-10-16 +
-| Donation: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_155076004_16-10-2018.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-10-15 +
-| VPS: Storage-Special (1 year) +
-| {{:ultravps_invoice_20181015_1.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-10-15 +
-| VPS: UltraKVM-50 (3 months) +
-| {{:ultravps_invoice_20181015_0.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-09-03 +
-| 2 AMD silent coolers: shipping notification +
-| {{:miamibox_2018090300.png?125|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-08-31 +
-| Withdrawal: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_152421086_31-08-2018.png:?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-08-30 +
-| Forex credit: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_152357185_30-08-2018_0.png:?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-08-30 +
-| Forex debit: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_152357185_30-08-2018_0.png:?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-08-10 +
-| Build server: 2 AMD silent coolers +
-| {{:invoice_63h98532x8314760e.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-08-10 +
-| Withdrawal: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_151508183_10-08-2018.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-08-02 +
-| Donation: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_151141958_02-08-2018.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-08-02 +
-| Donation: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_151130809_02-08-2018.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-07-18 +
-| VPS: 1 pack of 2,000,000 credits +
-| {{:gandi_invoice_2018071800826.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-07-18 +
-| Withdrawal: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_150410713_18-07-2018.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-07-17 +
-| Forex credit: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_150302490_17-07-2018_1.png:?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-07-17 +
-| Forex debit: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_150302490_17-07-2018_0.png:?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-07-16 +
-| Donation: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_150264658_16-07-2018.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-07-11 +
-| Donation: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_150032339_11-07-2018.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-07-11 +
-| Donation: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_150017734_11-07-2018.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-06-19 +
-| Donation: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_148566172_19-06-2018.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-03-31 +
-| DNS: hyperbola.info (1 year)Email: mail quota (1 GiB) (hyperbola.info) and VPS: 1 pack of 2,000,000 credits +
-{{:gandi_invoice_2018033100932.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-03-23 +
-| Withdrawal: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_143312750_23-03-2018.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-03-22 +
-| Donation: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_143242880_22-03-2018.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-03-15 +
-| Withdrawal: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_142818865_15-03-2018.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-03-12 +
-| Withdrawal: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_142604567_12-03-2018.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2018-03-10 +
-| Donation: transaction notification +
-|{{:ethereum_transaction_20180310_0x00450c3923f294fce3ee65b09e1e4d5a74d5cac104ed278cbcc2dbe464722763.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2017-11-20 +
-| Microship SST49LF080A-33-4C-NHE memoryflash, 8Mbit, serial, PLCC-32 and Uxcell adjustment PLCC IC chip component removal extractor tool: shipping notification +
-| {{:miamibox_2017112000.png?125|}} +
-|- +
-| 2017-11-10 +
-| VPS: 1 pack of 2,000,000 credits +
-| {{:gandi_invoice_2017113001093.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2017-11-09 +
-| Withdrawal: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_133965317_09-11-2017.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2017-10-31 +
-| Donation: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_133485831_31-10-2017.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2017-10-23 +
-| Build server: shipping notification +
-| {{:miamibox_2017102300.png?125|}} +
-|- +
-| 2017-10-16 +
-| Build server: shipping notification +
-| {{:miamibox_2017101600.png?125|}} +
-|- +
-| 2017-10-16 +
-| Withdrawal: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_more_redpagos_20171016091501.png?100|}} +
-|- +
-| 2017-10-16 +
-| Withdrawal: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_more_redpagos_20171016091500.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2017-10-12 +
-| Withdrawal: transaction notification +
-| {{:0ef72968-c0a80a4201a7e798-32359ce5.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2017-10-05 +
-| Donation: transaction notification +
-| {{:ec11632b-c0a80a420164e67f-29a44881.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2017-09-18 +
-| Donation: transaction notification +
-| {{:qrcode_201709180932_1.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2017-07-27 +
-| VPS: 1 pack of 2,000,000 credits +
-| {{:gandi_invoice_2017073101482.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2017-07-26 +
-| Withdrawal: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_128625819_26-07-2017.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2017-07-26 +
-| Donation: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_128613679_26-07-2017.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2017-07-14 +
-| Donation: transaction notification +
-| {{:transfer_advice_128152077_14-07-2017.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2017-05-07 +
-| VPS: 1 pack of 150,000 credits +
-| {{:gandi_invoice_2017053100895.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2017-05-01 +
-| Email: mail quota (1 GiB) (hyperbola.info) +
-| {{:gandi_invoice_2017053100655.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2017-04-19 +
-| DNS: hyperbola.info (1 year) +
-| {{:gandi_invoice_2017043001035.png?200|}} +
-|- +
-| 2017-04-19 +
-| VPS: 1 pack of 2,000,000 credits +
-| {{:gandi_invoice_2017041900242.png?200|}} +
-===== Creditos ===== +===== Reconhecimento ===== 
-Este artigo de wiki baseado na **[[https://trisquel.info/en/donate|pagina de doacoes do projeto Trisquel]]** e na **[[https://wiki.parabola.nu/|ParabolaWiki]]**.+Este artigo wiki é baseado na **[[https://trisquel.info/en/donate|página de doações do projeto Trisquel]]** e na **[[https://wiki.parabola.nu/|ParabolaWiki]]**.