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encrypted_installation @es:manual
69 Hits, Last modified:
/#DDF1FF>/boot</color> (el directorio de inicio). En la mayoría de los sistemas, <color #0B71B9/#DDF1F... Esta guía se ha utilizado para quienes son nuevos en nuestro sistema; consulte [[es:manual:beginners|s... nimos para ejecutar **Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre** en la [[es:project:downloads#requisitos_de_hardware|... ===== Preparación ===== ==== Descarga la imagen en vivo ==== Para esta guía estamos usando la versi
reference_installation @es:manual
64 Hits, Last modified:
comenzar, le recomendamos que consulte nuestras [[en:project:faq]], [[ e la nueva imagen de **Hyperbola ISO** desde la [[en:project:downloads|página de descarga]]. * En lugar de seis imágenes diferentes, solo proporcionamos **una** sola imagen que puede iniciarse en un sistema **i686** y **x86_64** para instalar **
sidebar @en
39 Hits, Last modified:
===== Menu ===== * Start * [[en:Start|Introduction]] * [[en:project:faq|Frequently Asked Questions]] * [[en:project:social_contract|Social Contract]] * [[en:project:teamwork|Teamwork]] * [[en:manual:con
reference_installation @en:manual
29 Hits, Last modified:
. ==== Blind and visually impaired users ==== [[en:project:downloads#Hyperbola]] includes **brltty**... k. Download the new **Hyperbola ISO** from the [[en:project:downloads|download page]]. * Instead of... he live image ==== Once you have downloaded the [[en:project:downloads|Live image]] as described you should verify it following: {{page>en:manual:verify_live_images}}. * Install images
encrypted_installation @pt:manual
19 Hits, Last modified:
used for those new to our system, check [[archive:en:manual:beginner_installation|beginner's section]]... rements to run **Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre** on [[en:project:downloads#hardware_requirements|download ... y Way** version, the live image is available on [[en:project:downloads#hyperbola_live_image|download p... read the man page. </note> <note> Only choose [[en:project:downloads#hypertalking_live_image|HyperTa
en @en
16 Hits, Last modified:
documentation on the English wiki, follow the [[en:sidebar#Menu|Menu]] or the [[|Index]] of HyperWiki. ===== W... ckages optimized for i686 and x86_64 CPUs under [[en:start#what_is_long_term_support_lts|Long Term Sup... ith 100% free software, free culture, security, [[en:start#what_privacy_is_found_in_hyperbola|privacy]
installation @pt:manual
14 Hits, Last modified:
rough the installation process, see the [[archive:en:manual:beginner_installation|Beginners guide]]. Before beginning, we recommend you view our [[en:project:faq]], the [[ == Download the new **Hyperbola ISO** from the [[en:project:downloads|download page]]. * Instead of... lly impaired users ===== There is a ISO called [[en:project:downloads#HyperTalking]] that is a deriva
xenocara @en:system:display_servers
10 Hits, Last modified:
il|unveil]], however it will be implemented for [[en:project:nomenclatures#hyperbolabsd|HyperbolaBSD]]... <note tip>You will typically seek to install a [[en:system:userspace:window_manager|window manager]] or a [[en:system:userspace:desktop_enviroment|desktop envir... ] (a more detailed list is available on [[
packaging_guidelines @en:manual:contrib
6 Hits, Last modified:
abilities. - **FHS**: All packages follow the [[en:project:fhs|Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS)]]... orted for a longer than normal period until the [[en:project:releases|next stable release]]. Exception... version, adjusted and adapted for usage on the [[en:project:releases|current stable release]]. It req... mber**" (eg. pkgrel=1**.backports1**) until the [[en:project:releases|next stable release]]. Backporti
desktop_enviroment @en:system:userspace
5 Hits, Last modified:
====== A **desktop environment** is a [[|complete e... experience. Generally based on specific [[|graphical widgets]], configuration system, [[|root window]] with desktop background, [[|taskbar]] with window
openrc @en:system:init_systems
4 Hits, Last modified:
nux, GNU/Hurd and Unix, compatible with [[|Posix]]. Created by the ... usr/share/kbd/keymaps</color> <code bash> keymap="en_UK" </code> To configure the keyboard compatible ... sr/share/kbd/keymaps</color>. <code bash> keymap="en_UK" </code> After editing the files, run the comm... i/OpenRC|OpenRC]] is a dependency based [[|init]] system maintained
lumina_desktop @en:system:userspace:desktop_enviroment
3 Hits, Last modified:
mina Desktop ===== **Lumina** is a lightweight [[en:system:userspace:desktop_enviroment|desktop envir... requirements** as possible. Check this [[|W... .org/wiki/Xorg/Guide#Using_startx|startx]] or a [[en:system:userspace:display_manager|display manager]
donations @en:project
3 Hits, Last modified:
s and money. ===== Payment methods: ===== * [[en:project:donations#patreon|Patreon]] * [[en:project:donations#liberapay|Liberapay]] * [[en:project:donations#wire_transfers_including_wise|Wire transfers (including Wise)]] * [[en:project:donations#paypal|PayPal]] ==== Patreon
dbus_failure @en:philosophy
3 Hits, Last modified:
**eventually be deprecated**, according to our [[en:manual:contrib:hyperbola_roadmap|Roadmap]]. With ... h prioritize privacy, security and freedom like [[en:start|Hyperbola]], it becomes **unecessary** and ... lightweight** premisses and by consequence our [[en:project:social_contract|Social Contract]]. While
iceweasel-uxp_addons @en:system:userspace:application:uxp
2 Hits, Last modified:
nt of days. Based on [[|Expire H... | Github Polyfill ! Addon that injects [[|polyfil
downloads @en:project
2 Hits, Last modified:
rust_trademark @en:philosophy
2 Hits, Last modified:
window_manager @en:system:userspace
1 Hits, Last modified:
display_servers @en:system
1 Hits, Last modified:
sponsorship @en:project
1 Hits, Last modified:
virtual_machine_manager @en:manual
1 Hits, Last modified:
releases @en:project
1 Hits, Last modified: