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py of the data** from a read-only memory chip, often from a video game cartridge, a computer's firmwar... file that contains everything that would be written to an optical disc, sector by sector, including t... on emulators ===== **There are 3 conditions** when an emulator is considered **<color #B90B0B/#FFDDD... an **Yes** or **No**, **<color #066D18/#DDFFE3>green</color>** means **Yes**, **<color #B90B0B/#FFDDDD
8 Hits, Last modified:
creation, manipulation, and destruction of on-screen windows and window decorations in Xorg. Each X-s... tion should usually have a window manager. If a [[en:system:userspace:desktop_enviroment|desktop envir... mic window managers** can dynamically switch between the other two paradigms. Windows managers can in... ox || Free and libre stacking window manager written in C++ and licensed under the MIT License. |- | [
5 Hits, Last modified:
====== A **desktop environment** is a [[|complete e... experience. Generally based on specific [[|graphical widgets]], configuration system, [[|root window]] with desktop background, [[|taskbar]] with window
iceweasel-uxp_addons @en:system:userspace:application:uxp
5 Hits, Last modified:
ely to improve their addons and create new ones when they know people appreciate their work. * Tell ... nt of days. Based on [[|Expire H... | Github Polyfill ! Addon that injects [[|polyfil... he Mozilla Archive Format add-on enables you to open and save MAFF and MHTML archives. ! 4.1.5 ! [[htt
lumina_desktop @en:system:userspace:desktop_enviroment
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mina Desktop ===== **Lumina** is a lightweight [[en:system:userspace:desktop_enviroment|desktop envir... requirements** as possible. Check this [[|W... .org/wiki/Xorg/Guide#Using_startx|startx]] or a [[en:system:userspace:display_manager|display manager]...|Official webpage]]. * Moore, Ken (26 April 2014). [[