Un Emulador es un Software (Programa) que le permite a una computadora comportarse como otra computadora o hardware (Dispositivo).
El emulador debe permitir a el Host, ejecutar software o utilizar dispositivos periféricos hechos para su funcionamiento en el Guest. Emulación se refiere a la habilidad de un Software en un dispositivo electronico emular (o imitar) otra computadora o dispositivo.
Como ejemplo de su uso es en consolas de videojuegos, donde solo en dichos dispositivos 'utilizar' juegos hechos para dicha consola. debido a esto, para poder 'utilizar' dichas funcionalidades, el Host debe de comportarse como el Guest, para que así no haya problemas, y dicho Software sea ejecutado.
Un ROM, es un archivo de computadoras que contiene copia de los datos de un chip de memoria, en forma de solo-lectura, por lo general de un cartucho de videojuegos, el firmware de una computadora, o de una tarjeta madre de un juego arcade.
Como ejemplo, para emular cualquier funcionalidad en cualquier emulador, se te será pedido un archivo, el cual
BIOS (Basic Input/Output System - Sistema básico de entrada y salida) es un firmware utilizado para realizar el inicio de un hardware, durante el inicio de arranque (encender la computadora por ejemplo), y proveer de servicios los cuales serán iniciados en el comienzo de sistemas operativos y programas.
Una imagen, es un archivo en una computadora que contiene todo lo que debe ser escrito en disco optico, de sector a sector, incluyendo el sistema de archivos de dicho disco optico.
La meta de Hyperbola es el de distribuír únicamente emuladores libres, para fomentar a los usuarios el desarrollo, portabilidad y la distribución de software libre (por ejemplo, imagenes con firmware, ROMs, juegos o distribuciones libres) para aquellas computadoras invitadas, y el hardware previsto para esos emuladores. Sin embargo, Hyperbola está 'poniendo en la lista negra' aquellos emuladores que son solo utilizados para desarrollar y ejecutar software no libre.
Información de Emuladores
Existen 3 condiciones en los que un emulador es considerado no libre.
- La columna Libre dice 'no'
- herramientas de desarrollo para firmware libre dice 'no' o 'N/A', mientras que Requiere Firmware dice 'si'
- Herramientas de desarrollo de juegos o sistemas operativos libres dice 'no'
La 'columna' libre abajo, no cuenta para firmware, juegos y sistemas operativos; Quiere decir que la base es ejecutable.
N/A quiere decir no disponible
Para clarificar, si hay algún otro texto con Sí o No, verde Significa Sí, mientras que Rojo quiere decir No, Amarillo es equivalente a técnicamente si, o no hay suficiente información.
Lista de Emuladores Nativos
Name | Free | Emulates | Requires firmware | Free dev tools for firmware | Free firmware | Free dev tools for games/OS | Free games/OS |
3dmoo (3DS Emulator Prototype) |
Yes | Nintendo 2DS and Nintendo 3DS (ARM11 MPCore + ARM9) |
No | N/A | N/A | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Yes: GNU/Linux-libre |
Citra | Yes | Nintendo 2DS and Nintendo 3DS (ARM11 MPCore + ARM9) |
Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Yes: GNU/Linux-libre |
DeSmuMe | Yes | Nintendo DS (ARM946E-S + ARM7TDMI) |
Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Yes: GNU/Linux-libre |
DeSmuMe X432R | Yes | Nintendo DS (ARM946E-S + ARM7TDMI) |
Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Yes: GNU/Linux-libre |
Play! | Yes | Sony PlayStation 2 (PS2) (MIPS III Emotion Engine “R5900-based”) |
No | N/A | N/A | GCC/GNU Binutils (mips64-unknown-elf) and Clang/LLVM/LLD (mips64-unknown-elf) |
Yes: GNU/Linux-libre |
PPSSPP | Yes | Sony Playstation Portable (PSP) (MIPS R4000) |
No | N/A | N/A | GCC/GNU Binutils (mips-unknown-elf) and Clang/LLVM/LLD (mips-unknown-elf) |
Yes: GNU/Linux-libre |
ProjectABE | Yes | ArduBoy (Atmel AVR ATmega32U4) | No | N/A | N/A | GCC/GNU Binutils (avr-unknown-elf) | Yes |
sim-arduboy | Yes | ArduBoy (Atmel AVR ATmega32U4) | No | N/A | N/A | GCC/GNU Binutils (avr-unknown-elf) | Yes |
Uzem | Yes | Uzebox (Atmel AVR ATmega644) | No | GCC/GNU Binutils (avr-unknown-elf) | Yes: Uzebox |
GCC/GNU Binutils (avr-unknown-elf) | Yes |
xexec (executable layer) |
Yes | Microsoft Xbox (Intel Pentium III “Coppermine-based”) |
No | N/A | N/A | GCC/GNU Binutils (i686-unknown-elf) and Clang/LLVM/LLD (i686-unknown-elf) |
Yes: GNU/Linux-libre |
BlastEm | Yes | [md system] Sega Mega Drive and Sega Genesis (Motorola 68000) |
No | N/A | N/A | GCC/GNU Binutils (m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically |
bsnes | Yes | [sfc system] Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) and Super Famicom (SFC) (Ricoh 5A22 + enhancement chips: CX4, DSP-1, DSP-2, DSP-3, DSP-4, MSU-1, OBC-1, S-DD1, S-RTC, SA1, SPC7110, ST010, ST011, ST018, Super FX GSU-1 and Super FX GSU-2) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically |
[sfc system] Nintendo Satellaview (Ricoh 5A22) |
Yes | WLA_DX | Technically | WLA_DX | Technically | ||
[sfc system] Bandai Sufami Turbo (Ricoh 5A22) |
Yes | WLA_DX | Technically | WLA_DX | Technically | ||
[sgb system] Nintendo Super Game Boy (Sharp LR35902) |
Yes | WLA_DX | Technically: free SNES/SFC rom + SameBoy BootROMs (SGB and SGB2) |
WLA_DX | Technically | ||
bsnes-plus | Yes | [sfc system] Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) and Super Famicom (SFC) (Ricoh 5A22 + enhancement chips: CX4, DSP-1, DSP-2, DSP-3, DSP-4, MSU-1, OBC-1, S-DD1, S-RTC, SA1, SPC7110, ST010, ST011, ST018, Super FX GSU-1 and Super FX GSU-2) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically |
[sfc system] Nintendo Satellaview (Ricoh 5A22) |
Yes | WLA_DX | Technically | WLA_DX | Technically | ||
[sfc system] Bandai Sufami Turbo (Ricoh 5A22) |
Yes | WLA_DX | Technically | WLA_DX | Technically | ||
[sgb system] Nintendo Super Game Boy (Sharp LR35902) |
Yes | WLA_DX | Technically: free SNES/SFC rom + SameBoy BootROMs (SGB and SGB2) |
WLA_DX | Technically | ||
CEN64 (Modified-BSD based) |
Yes | [n64 system] Nintendo 64 (N64) (NEC VR4300) |
No | N/A | N/A | GCC/GNU Binutils (mips-unknown-elf), Clang/LLVM/LLD (mips-unknown-elf) and n64chain |
Technically |
[64dd system] Nintendo 64DD (NEC VR4300) |
No | N/A | N/A | GCC/GNU Binutils (mips-unknown-elf), Clang/LLVM/LLD (mips-unknown-elf) and n64chain |
Technically | ||
Corgi3DS | Yes | Nintendo 2DS and Nintendo 3DS (ARM11 MPCore + ARM9) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Yes: GNU/Linux-libre |
CorgiDS | Yes | Nintendo DS (ARM946E-S + ARM7TDMI) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Yes: GNU/Linux-libre |
dasShiny | Yes | Nintendo DS (ARM946E-S + ARM7TDMI) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Yes: GNU/Linux-libre |
FCE Ultra | Yes | [fc system] Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and Nintendo Family Computer (FC) (Ricoh 2A03) |
No | N/A | N/A | cc65, DASM and WLA_DX |
Yes: Thwaite |
[fcds system] Nintendo Family Computer Disk System (FCDS) (Ricoh 2A03) |
Yes | cc65, DASM and WLA_DX |
Technically | cc65, DASM and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
FCEUX | Yes | [fc system] Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and Nintendo Family Computer (FC) (Ricoh 2A03) |
No | N/A | N/A | cc65, DASM and WLA_DX |
Yes: Thwaite |
[fcds system] Nintendo Family Computer Disk System (FCDS) (Ricoh 2A03) |
Yes | cc65, DASM and WLA_DX |
Technically | cc65, DASM and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
Flycast (libretro) | Yes | [dc system] Sega Dreamcast (DC) (Hitachi SH-4) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf), KallistiOS and Libronin) |
Yes: hle reios |
GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf), KallistiOS and Libronin) |
Yes: GNU/Linux-libre |
[naomi system] Sega Naomi (Hitachi SH-4) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf) | Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf) | Technically | ||
GB Enhanced+ (GBE+) | Yes | [gb system] Nintendo Game Boy (GB) and Nintendo Game Boy Color (GBC) (Sharp LR35902 + sensors and rumble) |
Optional | WLA_DX | Yes: SameBoy BootROMs (DMG, SGB, SGB2, CGB and AGB) |
WLA_DX | Technically |
[sgb system] Nintendo Super Game Boy (Sharp LR35902 + sensors and rumble) |
Optional | WLA_DX | Technically: free SNES/SFC rom + SameBoy BootROMs (SGB and SGB2) |
WLA_DX | Technically | ||
[gba system] Nintendo Game Boy Advance (GBA) (ARM7TDMI + sensors and rumble) |
Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | ||
[ds system] Nintendo DS (ARM946E-S + ARM7TDMI) |
Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Yes: GNU/Linux-libre |
higan | Yes | [ws system] Bandai WonderSwan and Bandai WonderSwan Color (NEC V30 MZ) |
No | N/A | N/A | NASM | Technically |
[cv system] ColecoVision (Zilog Z80A) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically | ||
[msx system] MSX and MSX2 (Zilog Z80A) |
Yes | WLA_DX | Yes: C-BIOS |
WLA_DX | Technically | ||
[pce system] NEC TurboGrafx-16 and NEC PC Engine (Hudson Soft HuC6280) |
No | N/A | N/A | cc65 and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
[pce system] NEC PC Engine SuperGrafx (Hudson Soft HuC6280A) |
No | N/A | N/A | cc65 and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
[fc system] Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and Nintendo Family Computer (FC) (Ricoh 2A03) |
No | N/A | N/A | cc65, DASM and WLA_DX |
Yes: Thwaite |
[fc system] Nintendo Family Computer Disk System (FCDS) (Ricoh 2A03) |
Yes | cc65, DASM and WLA_DX |
Technically | cc65, DASM and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
[gb system] Nintendo Game Boy (GB), Nintendo Game Boy Color (GBC) and Nintendo Game Boy Player (Sharp LR35902) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically | ||
[gba system] Nintendo Game Boy Advance (GBA) and Nintendo Game Boy Player (ARM7TDMI) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | ||
[sg system] Sega Game Gear (Zilog Z80) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically | ||
[ms system] Sega Master System (SMS) and Sega Mark III (Zilog Z80A) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically | ||
[ms system] Sega SG-1000 and Sega SG-3000 (Zilog Z80) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically | ||
[md system] Sega Mega Drive and Sega Genesis (Motorola 68000) |
No | N/A | N/A | GCC/GNU Binutils (m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
[md system] Sega Mega-CD and Sega CD (Motorola 68000) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
[ngp system] SNK Neo Geo Pocket and SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color (Toshiba TLCS900H) |
No | N/A | N/A | tlcs900archc | Technically | ||
[sfc system] Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) and Super Famicom (SFC) (Ricoh 5A22 + enhancement chips: CX4, DSP-1, DSP-2, DSP-3, DSP-4, MSU-1, OBC-1, S-DD1, S-RTC, SA1, SPC7110, ST010, ST011, ST018, Super FX GSU-1 and Super FX GSU-2) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically | ||
[sfc system] Nintendo Satellaview (Ricoh 5A22) |
Yes | WLA_DX | Technically | WLA_DX | Technically | ||
[sfc system] Bandai Sufami Turbo (Ricoh 5A22) |
Yes | WLA_DX | Technically | WLA_DX | Technically | ||
[sgb system] Nintendo Super Game Boy (Sharp LR35902) |
Yes | WLA_DX | Technically: free SNES/SFC rom + SameBoy BootROMs (SGB and SGB2) |
WLA_DX | Technically | ||
Kronos | Yes: It contains free Musashi v3.4 m68k emulator |
Sega Saturn (Hitachi SH-2) | Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf) | Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf) | Technically |
Lxdream | Yes | Sega Dreamcast (DC) (Hitachi SH-4) | Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf), KallistiOS and Libronin) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf), KallistiOS and Libronin) |
Yes: GNU/Linux-libre |
Mednafen | Yes | [apple2 module] Apple ][ and Apple ][+ (MOS Technology 6502) |
Yes | cc65, DASM and WLA_DX |
Technically | cc65, DASM and WLA_DX |
Technically |
[lynx module] Atari Lynx (WDC 65SC02) |
Yes | cc65, DASM and WLA_DX |
Technically | cc65, DASM and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
[wswan module] Bandai WonderSwan and Bandai WonderSwan Color (NEC V30 MZ) |
No | N/A | N/A | NASM | Technically | ||
[pce module] NEC TurboGrafx-16 and NEC PC Engine (Hudson Soft HuC6280) |
No | N/A | N/A | cc65 and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
[pce_fast module] NEC TurboGrafx-16 and NEC PC Engine (Hudson Soft HuC6280) |
No | N/A | N/A | cc65 and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
[pce module] NEC TurboGrafx-CD and NEC CD-ROM² (Hudson Soft HuC6280) |
Yes | cc65 and WLA_DX |
Technically | cc65 and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
[pce_fast module] NEC TurboGrafx-CD and NEC CD-ROM² (Hudson Soft HuC6280) |
Yes | cc65 and WLA_DX |
Technically | cc65 and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
[pce module] NEC PC Engine SuperGrafx (Hudson Soft HuC6280A) |
No | N/A | N/A | cc65 and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
[pce_fast module] NEC PC Engine SuperGrafx (Hudson Soft HuC6280A) |
No | N/A | N/A | cc65 and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
[pcfx module] NEC PC-FX (NEC V810) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (v850-unknown-elf) and gccVB (GCC v2.95 + v810 patch) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (v850-unknown-elf) and gccVB (GCC v2.95 + v810 patch) |
Technically | ||
[nes module] Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and Nintendo Family Computer (FC) (Ricoh 2A03) |
No | N/A | N/A | cc65, DASM and WLA_DX |
Yes: Thwaite |
[nes module] Nintendo Family Computer Disk System (FCDS) (Ricoh 2A03) |
Yes | cc65, DASM and WLA_DX |
Technically | cc65, DASM and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
[gb module] Nintendo Game Boy (GB) and Nintendo Game Boy Color (GBC) (Sharp LR35902) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically | ||
[gba module] Nintendo Game Boy Advance (GBA) (ARM7TDMI) |
Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | ||
[vb module] Nintendo Virtual Boy (NEC V810) |
No | N/A | N/A | GCC/GNU Binutils (v850-unknown-elf) and gccVB (GCC v2.95 + v810 patch) |
Technically | ||
[gg module] Sega Game Gear (Zilog Z80) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically | ||
[sms module] Sega Master System (SMS) and Sega Mark III (Zilog Z80A) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically | ||
[sms module] Sega SG-1000 (Zilog Z80) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically | ||
[md module] Sega Mega Drive and Sega Genesis (Motorola 68000) |
No | N/A | N/A | GCC/GNU Binutils (m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
[ss module] Sega Saturn (Hitachi SH-2) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf) | Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf) | Technically | ||
[ngp module] SNK Neo Geo Pocket and SNK Neo Geo Pocket Color (Toshiba TLCS900H) |
No | N/A | N/A | tlcs900archc | Technically | ||
[psx module] Sony PlayStation (PS) (MIPS R3000) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (mips-unknown-elf) and Clang/LLVM/LLD (mips-unknown-elf) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (mips-unknown-elf) and Clang/LLVM/LLD (mips-unknown-elf) |
Technically | ||
[snes_faust module] Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) and Super Famicom (SFC) (Ricoh 5A22 + enhancement chips: CX4, DSP-1, DSP-2, SA1, Super FX GSU-1 and Super FX GSU-2) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically | ||
[snes module] Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) and Super Famicom (SFC) (Ricoh 5A22 + enhancement chips: CX4, DSP-1, DSP-2, DSP-3, DSP-4, OBC-1, S-DD1, S-RTC, SA1, SPC7110, ST010, Super FX GSU-1 and Super FX GSU-2) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically | ||
medusa | Yes | [gb system] Nintendo Game Boy (GB) and Nintendo Game Boy Color (GBC) (Sharp LR35902 + sensors and rumble) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically |
[gba system] Nintendo Game Boy Advance (GBA) (ARM7TDMI + sensors and rumble) |
Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | ||
[ds system] Nintendo DS (ARM946E-S + ARM7TDMI) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Yes: GNU/Linux-libre |
melonDS | Yes | [ds system] Nintendo DS (ARM946E-S + ARM7TDMI) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Yes: GNU/Linux-libre |
Mesen | Yes | [fc system] Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and Nintendo Family Computer (FC) (Ricoh 2A03) |
No | N/A | N/A | cc65, DASM and WLA_DX |
Yes: Thwaite |
[fcds system] Nintendo Family Computer Disk System (FCDS) (Ricoh 2A03) |
Yes | cc65, DASM and WLA_DX |
Technically | cc65, DASM and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
Meteor | Yes | Nintendo Game Boy Advance (GBA) (ARM7TDMI) |
No | N/A | N/A | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically |
mGBA | Yes | [gba system] Nintendo Game Boy Advance (GBA) (ARM7TDMI + sensors and rumble) |
Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically |
[gb system] Nintendo Game Boy (GB) and Nintendo Game Boy Color (GBC) (Sharp LR35902) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically | ||
Mupen64 | Yes | Nintendo 64 (N64) (NEC VR4300) |
No | N/A | N/A | GCC/GNU Binutils (mips-unknown-elf), Clang/LLVM/LLD (mips-unknown-elf) and n64chain |
Technically |
Mupen64Plus | Yes | [n64 system] Nintendo 64 (N64) (NEC VR4300) |
No | N/A | N/A | GCC/GNU Binutils (mips-unknown-elf), Clang/LLVM/LLD (mips-unknown-elf) and n64chain |
Technically |
[64dd system] Nintendo 64DD (NEC VR4300) |
No | N/A | N/A | GCC/GNU Binutils (mips-unknown-elf), Clang/LLVM/LLD (mips-unknown-elf) and n64chain |
Technically | ||
NanoboyAdvance | Yes | Nintendo Game Boy Advance (GBA) and Nintendo Game Boy Player (ARM7TDMI) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically |
Nestopia | Yes | [fc system] Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and Nintendo Family Computer (FC) (Ricoh 2A03) |
No | N/A | N/A | cc65, DASM and WLA_DX |
Yes: Thwaite |
[fcds system] Nintendo Family Computer Disk System (FCDS) (Ricoh 2A03) |
Yes | cc65, DASM and WLA_DX |
Technically | cc65, DASM and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
Nestopia UE | Yes | [fc system] Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and Nintendo Family Computer (FC) (Ricoh 2A03) |
No | N/A | N/A | cc65, DASM and WLA_DX |
Yes: Thwaite |
[fcds system] Nintendo Family Computer Disk System (FCDS) (Ricoh 2A03) |
Yes | cc65, DASM and WLA_DX |
Technically | cc65, DASM and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
NooDS | Yes | Nintendo DS (ARM946E-S + ARM7TDMI) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Yes: GNU/Linux-libre |
PCSX | Yes | Sony PlayStation (PS) (MIPS R3000) |
Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (mips-unknown-elf) and Clang/LLVM/LLD (mips-unknown-elf) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (mips-unknown-elf) and Clang/LLVM/LLD (mips-unknown-elf) |
Technically |
PCSX2 | Technically: It could be free by removing zzogl and zerogs plugins that depends for nonfree nvidia-cg-toolkit support |
Sony PlayStation 2 (PS2) (MIPS III Emotion Engine “R5900-based”) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (mips64-unknown-elf) and Clang/LLVM/LLD (mips64-unknown-elf) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (mips64-unknown-elf) and Clang/LLVM/LLD (mips64-unknown-elf) |
Yes: GNU/Linux-libre |
PCSX-df | Yes | Sony PlayStation (PS) (MIPS R3000) |
Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (mips-unknown-elf) and Clang/LLVM/LLD (mips-unknown-elf) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (mips-unknown-elf) and Clang/LLVM/LLD (mips-unknown-elf) |
Technically |
PCSX-ReARMed | Yes | Sony PlayStation (PS) (MIPS R3000) |
Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (mips-unknown-elf) and Clang/LLVM/LLD (mips-unknown-elf) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (mips-unknown-elf) and Clang/LLVM/LLD (mips-unknown-elf) |
Technically |
PCSX-Reloaded | Yes | Sony PlayStation (PS) (MIPS R3000) |
Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (mips-unknown-elf) and Clang/LLVM/LLD (mips-unknown-elf) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (mips-unknown-elf) and Clang/LLVM/LLD (mips-unknown-elf) |
Technically |
Planet Virtual Boy's emulator (PVB emulator) |
Technically: Uses Java language |
Nintendo Virtual Boy (NEC V810) |
No | N/A | N/A | GCC/GNU Binutils (v850-unknown-elf) and gccVB (GCC v2.95 + v810 patch) |
Technically |
Redream (GPL-3 based) |
Yes | Sega Dreamcast (DC) (Hitachi SH-4) | Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf), KallistiOS and Libronin) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf), KallistiOS and Libronin) |
Yes: GNU/Linux-libre |
Reicast | Technically: It could be free by removing homebrew roms downloading support |
[dc system] Sega Dreamcast (DC) (Hitachi SH-4) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf), KallistiOS and Libronin) |
Yes: hle reios |
GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf), KallistiOS and Libronin) |
Yes: GNU/Linux-libre |
[naomi system] Sega Naomi (Hitachi SH-4) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf) | Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf) | Technically | ||
[awave system] Sammy Atomiswave (Hitachi SH-4) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf) | Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf) | Technically | ||
Reicast (libretro) | Yes | [dc system] Sega Dreamcast (DC) (Hitachi SH-4) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf), KallistiOS and Libronin) |
Yes: hle reios |
GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf), KallistiOS and Libronin) |
Yes: GNU/Linux-libre |
[naomi system] Sega Naomi (Hitachi SH-4) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf) | Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf) | Technically | ||
[awave system] Sammy Atomiswave (Hitachi SH-4) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf) | Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf) | Technically | ||
SameBoy | Yes | [gb system] Nintendo Game Boy (GB) and Nintendo Game Boy Color (GBC) (Sharp LR35902 + sensors and rumble) |
Yes | WLA_DX | Yes: SameBoy BootROMs (DMG, SGB, SGB2, CGB and AGB) |
WLA_DX | Technically |
[hle_sgb system] Nintendo Super Game Boy (Sharp LR35902 + sensors and rumble) |
Yes | WLA_DX | Yes: SameBoy BootROMs (SGB and SGB2) |
WLA_DX | Technically | ||
SNEeSe | Yes | Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) and Super Famicom (SFC) (Ricoh 5A22) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically |
vecx | Yes | Vectrex (Motorola MC68A09) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically |
Virtual Jaguar | Yes | [jaguar system] Atari Jaguar (Motorola 68000) |
Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically |
Visual Boy Advance (VBA) |
Technically: It could be free by removing nonfree 2xSaImmx.asm file |
[gba system] Nintendo Game Boy Advance (GBA) (ARM7TDMI) |
Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically |
[gb system] Nintendo Game Boy (GB) and Nintendo Game Boy Color (GBC) (Sharp LR35902) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically | ||
Visual Boy Advance 2 (VBA 2) |
Yes | [gba system] Nintendo Game Boy Advance (GBA) (ARM7TDMI) |
Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically |
[gb system] Nintendo Game Boy (GB) and Nintendo Game Boy Color (GBC) (Sharp LR35902) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically | ||
Visual Boy Advance-M (VBA-M) |
Yes | [gba system] Nintendo Game Boy Advance (GBA) (ARM7TDMI + e-Reader support) |
Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically |
[gb system] Nintendo Game Boy (GB) and Nintendo Game Boy Color (GBC) (Sharp LR35902) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically | ||
WideGB | Yes | [gb system] Nintendo Game Boy (GB) and Nintendo Game Boy Color (GBC) (Sharp LR35902 + sensors and rumble) |
Yes | WLA_DX | Yes: SameBoy BootROMs (DMG, SGB, SGB2, CGB and AGB) |
WLA_DX | Technically |
[hle_sgb system] Nintendo Super Game Boy (Sharp LR35902 + sensors and rumble) |
Yes | WLA_DX | Yes: SameBoy BootROMs (SGB and SGB2) |
WLA_DX | Technically | ||
Yabause | Yes | Sega Saturn (Hitachi SH-2) | Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf) | Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf) | Technically |
ZSNES | Yes | Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) and Super Famicom (SFC) (Ricoh 5A22 + enhancement chips: CX4, DSP-1, DSP-2, DSP-3, DSP-4, OBC-1, S-DD1, SA1, ST010, Super FX GSU-1 and Super FX GSU-2) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically |
4DO (libretro) | No: No commercial |
3DO Interactive Multiplayer (ARM60) | Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically |
BoycottAdvance | No: Proprietary |
[gba system] Nintendo Game Boy Advance (GBA) (ARM7TDMI) |
Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically |
[gb system] Nintendo Game Boy (GB) and Nintendo Game Boy Color (GBC) (Sharp LR35902) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically | ||
CEN64 (no license) |
No: No global license file found and source code files are indicate to a global license file |
Nintendo 64 (N64) (NEC VR4300) |
No | N/A | N/A | GCC/GNU Binutils (mips-unknown-elf), Clang/LLVM/LLD (mips-unknown-elf) and n64chain |
Technically |
ColEm | No: Proprietary |
ColecoVision (Zilog Z80A) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically |
DGen/SDL | No: It contains nonfree CZ80, dZ80, DrZ80, Multi-Z80, Musashi v3.3 and Starscream |
Sega Mega Drive and Sega Genesis (Motorola 68000) |
No | N/A | N/A | GCC/GNU Binutils (m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically |
ePSXe | No: Proprietary |
Sony PlayStation (PS) (MIPS R3000) |
Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (mips-unknown-elf) and Clang/LLVM/LLD (mips-unknown-elf) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (mips-unknown-elf) and Clang/LLVM/LLD (mips-unknown-elf) |
Technically |
fMSX | No: Proprietary |
MSX, MSX2 and MSX2+ (Zilog Z80A) |
Yes | WLA_DX | Yes: C-BIOS |
WLA_DX | Technically |
Gens | No: It contains nonfree Starscream |
[md system] Sega Mega Drive and Sega Genesis (Motorola 68000) |
Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically |
[mdcd system] Sega Mega Drive + Mega-CD and Sega Genesis + Sega CD (Motorola 68000 + Motorola 68000) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
[32x system] Sega Mega Drive 32X, Sega Mega 32X, Sega Genesis 32X and Sega Super 32X (Motorola 68000 + Hitachi SH-2) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf) | Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf) | Technically | ||
[32xcd system] Sega Mega Drive 32X + Mega-CD, Sega Mega 32X + Mega-CD, Sega Genesis 32X + Sega CD and Sega Super 32X + Mega-CD (Motorola 68000 + Hitachi SH-2 + Motorola 68000) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf and m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf and m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
Gens/GS | No: It contains nonfree the Poorman's Sega 32x BIOS files and Starscream |
[md system] Sega Mega Drive and Sega Genesis (Motorola 68000) |
Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically |
[mdcd system] Sega Mega Drive + Mega-CD and Sega Genesis + Sega CD (Motorola 68000 + Motorola 68000) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
[32x system] Sega Mega Drive 32X, Sega Mega 32X, Sega Genesis 32X and Sega Super 32X (Motorola 68000 + Hitachi SH-2) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf) | Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf) | Technically | ||
[32xcd system] Sega Mega Drive 32X + Mega-CD, Sega Mega 32X + Mega-CD, Sega Genesis 32X + Sega CD and Sega Super 32X + Mega-CD (Motorola 68000 + Hitachi SH-2 + Motorola 68000) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf and m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf and m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
Gens/GS II | No: It contains nonfree the Poorman's Sega 32x BIOS files and Starscream |
[md system] Sega Mega Drive and Sega Genesis (Motorola 68000) |
Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically |
iDeaS | No: Proprietary |
[ds system] Nintendo DS (ARM946E-S + ARM7TDMI) |
Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Yes: GNU/Linux-libre |
[gba system] Nintendo Game Boy Advance (GBA) (ARM7TDMI) |
Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | ||
iNES | No: Proprietary |
[fc system] Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and Nintendo Family Computer (FC) (Ricoh 2A03) |
No | N/A | N/A | cc65, DASM and WLA_DX |
Yes: Thwaite |
[fcds system] Nintendo Family Computer Disk System (FCDS) (Ricoh 2A03) |
Yes | cc65, DASM and WLA_DX |
Technically | cc65, DASM and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
Kega Fusion | No: Proprietary |
[md system] Sega Mega Drive and Sega Genesis (Motorola 68000 + enhancement chip: SVP) |
Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically |
[mdcd system] Sega Mega Drive + Mega-CD and Sega Genesis + Sega CD (Motorola 68000 + enhancement chip: SVP; + Motorola 68000) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
[32x system] Sega Mega Drive 32X, Sega Mega 32X, Sega Genesis 32X and Sega Super 32X (Motorola 68000 + Hitachi SH-2) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf) | Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf) | Technically | ||
[32xcd system] Sega Mega Drive 32X + Mega-CD, Sega Mega 32X + Mega-CD, Sega Genesis 32X + Sega CD and Sega Super 32X + Mega-CD (Motorola 68000 + Hitachi SH-2 + Motorola 68000) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf and m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf and m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
LemonLime | No: No global license file found and source code files are unlicensed |
Nintendo 2DS and Nintendo 3DS (ARM11 MPCore + ARM9) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Yes: GNU/Linux-libre |
MasterGear (MG) | No: Proprietary |
[sg system] Sega Game Gear (Zilog Z80) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically |
[ms system] Sega Master System (SMS) and Sega Mark III (Zilog Z80A) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically | ||
[ms system] Sega SG-1000 and Sega SG-3000 (Zilog Z80) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically | ||
[md system] Sega Mega Drive and Sega Genesis (Motorola 68000) |
No | N/A | N/A | GCC/GNU Binutils (m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
PicoDrive | No: No commercial |
[md system] Sega Mega Drive and Sega Genesis (Motorola 68000 + enhancement chip: SVP) |
Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically |
[mdcd system] Sega Mega Drive + Mega-CD and Sega Genesis + Sega CD (Motorola 68000 + enhancement chip: SVP; + Motorola 68000) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
[32x system] Sega Mega Drive 32X, Sega Mega 32X, Sega Genesis 32X and Sega Super 32X (Motorola 68000 + Hitachi SH-2) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf) | Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf) | Technically | ||
[32xcd system] Sega Mega Drive 32X + Mega-CD, Sega Mega 32X + Mega-CD, Sega Genesis 32X + Sega CD and Sega Super 32X + Mega-CD (Motorola 68000 + Hitachi SH-2 + Motorola 68000) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf and m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf and m68k-unknown-elf) and WLA_DX |
Technically | ||
Reality Boy | No: Proprietary |
Nintendo Virtual Boy (NEC V810) |
No | N/A | N/A | GCC/GNU Binutils (v850-unknown-elf) and gccVB (GCC v2.95 + v810 patch) |
Technically |
Red Dragon | No: No global license file found and source code files are unlicensed |
Nintendo Virtual Boy (NEC V810) |
No | N/A | N/A | GCC/GNU Binutils (v850-unknown-elf) and gccVB (GCC v2.95 + v810 patch) |
Technically |
Redream (Nonfree based) |
No: Proprietary |
Sega Dreamcast (DC) (Hitachi SH-4) | Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf), KallistiOS and Libronin) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (sh-unknown-elf), KallistiOS and Libronin) |
Yes: GNU/Linux-libre |
Rustual Boy | No: Uses nonfree Rust language |
Nintendo Virtual Boy (NEC V810) |
No | N/A | N/A | GCC/GNU Binutils (v850-unknown-elf) and gccVB (GCC v2.95 + v810 patch) |
Technically |
Snes9x | No: No commercial |
Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) and Super Famicom (SFC) (Ricoh 5A22 + enhancement chips: CX4, DSP-1, DSP-2, DSP-3, DSP-4, MSU-1, OBC-1, S-DD1, S-RTC, SA1, SPC7110, ST010, Super FX GSU-1 and Super FX GSU-2) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically |
[sfc system] Nintendo Satellaview (Ricoh 5A22) |
Yes | WLA_DX | Technically | WLA_DX | Technically | ||
[sfc system] Bandai Sufami Turbo (Ricoh 5A22) |
Yes | WLA_DX | Technically | WLA_DX | Technically | ||
StrikeBox | No: No global license file found, source code files are unlicensed and MCPX binary blob is required |
[xbox system] Microsoft Xbox (Intel Pentium III “Coppermine-based”) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (i686-unknown-elf) and Clang/LLVM/LLD (i686-unknown-elf) |
Port of fully free ReactOS-like as firmware | GCC/GNU Binutils (i686-unknown-elf) and Clang/LLVM/LLD (i686-unknown-elf) |
Yes: GNU/Linux-libre |
TronDS | No: Proprietary |
Nintendo 2DS and Nintendo 3DS (ARM11 MPCore + ARM9) |
No | N/A | N/A | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Yes: GNU/Linux-libre |
VeMUlator (libretro) | Yes | Visual Memory System (VMS) and Visual Memory Unit (VMU) (Sanyo LC8670 “Potato”) |
No | N/A | N/A | Waterbear requires nonfree Rust language |
No |
VerXGL | No: No global license file found and source code files are unlicensed |
Vectrex (Motorola MC68A09) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically |
Virtual GameBoy (VGB) | No: Proprietary |
Nintendo Game Boy (GB) and Nintendo Game Boy Color (GBC) (Sharp LR35902) |
No | N/A | N/A | WLA_DX | Technically |
Virtual GameBoy Advance (VGBA) | No: Proprietary |
Nintendo Game Boy Advance (GBA) (ARM7TDMI) |
Optional | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically | GCC/GNU Binutils (arm-unknown-eabi), Clang/LLVM/LLD (arm-unknown-eabi) and devkitPro (devkitARM) |
Technically |
XBVM (LLE Xbox 1 Emulator) |
No: No global license file found, source code files are unlicensed and MCPX binary blob is required |
[xbox system] Microsoft Xbox (Intel Pentium III “Coppermine-based”) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (i686-unknown-elf) and Clang/LLVM/LLD (i686-unknown-elf) |
Port of fully free ReactOS-like as firmware | GCC/GNU Binutils (i686-unknown-elf) and Clang/LLVM/LLD (i686-unknown-elf) |
Yes: GNU/Linux-libre |
XQEMU | No: MCPX binary blob is required |
[xbox system] Microsoft Xbox (Intel Pentium III “Coppermine-based”) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (i686-unknown-elf) and Clang/LLVM/LLD (i686-unknown-elf) |
Port of fully free ReactOS-like as firmware | GCC/GNU Binutils (i686-unknown-elf) and Clang/LLVM/LLD (i686-unknown-elf) |
Yes: GNU/Linux-libre |
[chihiro system] Sega Chihiro (Intel Pentium III “Coppermine-based”) |
Yes | GCC/GNU Binutils (i686-unknown-elf) and Clang/LLVM/LLD (i686-unknown-elf) |
Port of fully free ReactOS-like as firmware | GCC/GNU Binutils (i686-unknown-elf) and Clang/LLVM/LLD (i686-unknown-elf) |
Technically |