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A software repository is a storage location from which software packages are retrieved for installation.

Hyperbola repositories contain essential and popular software which follow the Hyperbola Social Contract, readily accessible via pacman. They are maintained by package maintainers.

Packages in the repositories are constantly stabilized to follow the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines: when a package is upgraded, its old version is removed from the repository. Each repository is always coherent, i.e. the packages that it hosts always have reciprocally compatible versions.



This repository can be found in …/core/os/ on your favorite mirror.

core contains packages for:

  • booting operating system
  • connecting to the Internet
  • building packages
  • management and repair of supported file systems
  • the system setup process (e.g. openssh)


This repository can be found in …/extra/os/ on your favorite mirror.

extra contains all packages that do not fit in core. Example: Xorg, window managers, web browsers, media players, tools for working with languages such as Python and Ruby, and a lot more.


This repository can be found in …/community/os/ on your favorite mirror.

community contains packages that have been adopted by Trusted Users from the Arch User Repository. Some of these packages may eventually make the transition to the core or extra repositories as the developers consider them crucial to the distribution. It also contains packages maintained by trusted members of the Hyperbola community and packages maintained by Hyperbola developers, but that the developer decided didn't belong in core.


This repository can be found in …/multilib/os/ on your favorite mirror.

multilib contains 32 bit software and libraries that can be used to run and build 32 bit applications on 64 bit installs (e.g. wine, etc).


This wiki article is based on ArchWiki. We may have removed non-FSDG bits from it.